yeh that sounds pretty sucky jessie the turtle deck was pretty cool
i can afford a dollar for a card but the deck is meant to be budget, also this deck has already been based around unblockable and pump and is what the deck was originally based around from the start. fair enough but what trample cards would you suggest that are budget and would work well in this deck
so unbelievably broken can see why its banned in all formats great deck though so powerfull
your kidding right trample really isn't that necessarily, especially when your creatures cant be blocked (so their are no blockers) fromdistortion strike, aqueous form and apostle's blessing and with pump they can be out turn twoso i really dont see how putting in a card that makes the deck more expensive and doesnt improve it that much is necessary.
rancors too expensive as this is meant to be a budget deck but spider umbra is a really good idea instead of rangers guile
ok yeh for standrad itll be pretty good :) haha yeh oona is pretty damn good for a win condition
no worrys broand thanks its a great card also i left aquesous form in their to use with mirko for late game win if it comes to theirbut brought the count down to 3 so i could have 3 ghost quarters in their
its better id proberly take out ascetism to put in more landgoing through smaple hands it oftens gets low mana draws and games
rangers guile woudlnt be bad to counter early removaland some buff like giant growth, groundswell and mutagenic growth wouldnt be badalso your missing green mana for the deckand i highly suggest phyrezian crusader and phyrexian oblitorator if your not worried about prce and also inkmoth nexus is amazing in all infect decks
or mindshrieker
ok thanks ill check it outi think that a card like oona queen of the fae or mindshrieker might service as a better win condition with infinite mana
oona queen of the fae would be better
nice deck bit expensive but still good its very slow thats the only problem you need to find some way to speed it updont understand how pulukranos is a win condition though
Haha yeh forgot to fix this deck up what's another two mana instant that generates tokens
Gerald's messenger is the best to sub out for hex parasite but depends on how you'll want to play the deck and it's also good at taking counters off of planeswalkers and cards that win the game when they have enough on them
Ok yeh wasn't sure of what you were going to use it for but yeh that's always good to have to buy time
also seaming you already have paradise mantel and training grounds in the deck you could put in knacksaw clique to get the infinite mill combopossible replace ensnare and counterspell with this as hese two cards dont really go towards your win condition especially ensnare
yeh thats a really good combo for infinite if you wanted to you could put in power artifact which does the same as training grounds but doesnt require the artifact to be a creature and play it on grim monolith which also gives you infinite colourless
if you put in training grounds and karn, silver golem than it will give you infinite colourless manabut that combo will be very unreliable as its five cardsproberly better to scrap it and put in a different combo thats low cards like deadeye navigator and palinchron
get rid of caged sun, lurking predators and maby harmonize waste of timedefinately replace lurking predators with doubling season so much better for this deckand put in joraga warcaller. and take out thornweald for llanowar makes the deck more consistentdepends thlugh if you want the deck to stay reasonable cheap
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