eww on so many levels
1. modern banned2. no glimpse the unthinkable in the deck3. the guild mage is utter crap4. no need for removal if you mill them out fast enough5. play the bounce lands and hedron crabcheck out mine at http://www.mtgvault.com/pratboy02/decks/dimir-mill/
do you have card draw? no you don't sage of ancient of lore is useless until it flips
modern banned put more ugins in
kingpin's pet
true, true
if in game two someone boarded in tainted remedy you might take some damage so I would board naturalize
here it is http://www.mtgvault.com/pratboy02/decks/infinite-damage-combo/
do you like combo decks
yeah that is a good Idea plus the battlements give creatures haste
not enough non creature spells
no creatures will get wrecked by hexproof
more consitency
not enogh consistency
for all the high casting cards too little lands
too many creatures
ok makes sense
if you are playing hanweir garrison why aren't you playing hanweir battlements
the white oath is 2 and a white for two kor allys which if your playing allys gives you tho rally triggers
that comment makes no sense
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