This was a great deck until I learned that it is apparently illegal to pay life for an ability when you have less than 0 life. Basically this nullifies the chasm lich combo in the same way as it had unspeakable symbol combos in the past. To you judges out there; that really hurts my mathematical feelings. In a game where we can make infinite squirrels we can't pay positive life to reduce our life total? Cool as it is, lich is now way less cool... Back to the drawing board I guess.... sigh.
Not yet thoroughly tested. But the Lich + Glacial Chasm combo is pretty satisfying when it works out. Any likes/suggestions/criticism are welcome?
Looks good on first glance, there are many different spells though. Does this hurt the consistency?
Good choice, brings you down to only 7 with casting cost greater than or equal to 4. 3 spot is still wide open.
I agree with above.
If I haven't said it already, this and all my decks are Legacy.
Definitely a nice construction. My only comment would be that with 11 spells with casting cost 4 or greater you may suffer some mana problems or get hit hard before you have the chance to play them. But then again, I haven't tried this deck so I may be wrong.
I'm not sure how I feel about Rage Nimbus yet.
Final thoughts on this deck are; bottomless pit is just too symmetrical to be much good for anything besides multiplayer, shadowmage infiltrator is an ok compromise to bottomless pit but it's no good at all against black. I've abandonned this deck altogether, and will post newer projects soon.
So at first this deck seemed pretty good, it earned me some crushing victories. I played it against a loam deck and was anihilated. I added 4 extirpates and removed the Djinn's and pretty much broke even with loam. Actually I lost the last game of 3 because I played extirpate poorly. After a satisfying victory against another discard deck I was feeling pretty confident until I was absolutely massacred by merfolk, then goblins and then by zombies. So I changed the boomerang's to echoing truth but haven't found out if this will work yet. I have been having a hard time though dealing with Umezawa's Jite, so I tried wall of shadows: It wasn't all that effective. At this point it's back to the drawing board. Here are some things I think I've learned along the way: 1) Extirpate is a really helpful card. It is fairly effective at undermining your opponents strategy and it is cheaper than memoricide... of course it requires you can get cards into the controller's graveyard. 2)Echoing truth is not only good for cutting down on your opponents forces, but also good at saving yours from things like pernicious deed. I like it more than boomerang. 3)Being mana starved really sucks and it has cost me many games, even with the dark rituals. In my next version I will try to add more mana acceleration e.g., solemn similacrum. I'll let you know what I come up with.
I can't decide what part of the deck to replace with mana-leak (or some other counterspell thing). Advice would be appreciated.
I bet this is fun to play.
Low casting cost and plenty of duals means you probably aren't hurting for mana. Is there any reason why you only included 1 swords to plowshares?