It is, which I totally forgot about. I took him out, just haven't changed it on here yet.
Good point... I should probably remove some of the lesser land fetch cards...
Switch out Omniscience for Dream Halls, Jushi's Apprentice for Information Dealer, and I'd recomend an Archeomancer as well as Cloudstone Curio, Temporal Adept, and Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir for more control. Teferi makes it so people can only play cards at sorcery speed, cloudstone is allows you to bounce cards to your hand (with xenograft they will all be of the same type), Temporal is a permabounce spell on a stick, Information dealer allows a lot more than Jushi does, Archeomancer brings back those spells you need to recast, and Dream Halls while it is global forces opponents to discard, and idk if you plan on it or not, but if you have liliana's caress, megrim or even Bloodchiefs Ascension than it really causes extra damage. But its up to you, just my thoughts, looks good though, Wonder seems a bit pointless in the deck though, Akroma's Memorial might be better, added effects for about 3 more mana. Just my thought, still seems pointless as most of your creature's have flying as it is.
Crap... You're right. Thank you for reminding me.
Definitely fit Goblin Guide in there somehow. Turn one, I swing for 2...
You naughty little minx. This is definitely one of your decks. lol