New version of the Black Sacrifice deck.
*Which card would be better than Viscera Seer? Would Festering Goblin be better because it is a zombie and essentially a Mogg Fanatic?*
*Advice on better cards would really help, I want to make this deck as best as possible*
So the changes I made we're:
+4 Liliana of the Veil
+3 Viscera Seer
+2 Blood Scrivener
+2 Swamp
Swamps --> Had trouble getting the needed mana out. Around 2/6 games I would have like 1 mana on turn 3. It didn't really flow to well, but that's just luck so I'm not saying that the original is bad. It's probably better than this one, but that was my experience.
-1 Skullclamp
-3 Fume Spitter
-2 Buried Alive
-4 Demonic Appetite
-2 Blood Artist
First of all, Liliana of the Veil, great card in mono black for hand removal. I played the original Black Sacrifice deck (credit to surewhynot) against my brother many times and found that it was tough to get two zombies out to actually combo off the gravecrawlers. Also the 18 lands didn't work for me and sometimes I would only have 1 swamp by Turn 3. So I felt that removing cards from an opponents hands as early as Turn 1 (Dark Ritual followed by Liliana) would benefit me a lot because I could actually get to the point where my zombies aren't susceptible to removal. Also, just like Grave Pact, I can destroy an Arbor Elf or any 1 cost threat on Turn 1, yeah it's lucky to get both cards in my first hand, but it's a possibility just like every other combo in the deck.
Viscera Seer, great card to look for the cards you need. He is replacing the 4x Demonic Appetite's in the original deck. I felt like those Demonic Appetite's didn't do much for me because i had trouble getting two Gravecrawlers out without one of them dying, so I would be put into the situation where I would have to sacrifice the creature that has the enchantement on it, or essentially lose the game. I'm not sure if this is a good card, so please let me know which 1 costs would be better, I was searching for cards and came across Will-o'-the-wisp and was really happy, but then I found out that I can't play Demonic Appetite on it and regenerate it every upkeep to sacrifice it, and keeping it on the battlefield.
Blood Scrivener, oh man, this card is just reckless in mono black aggro. On Turn 4, You can already start drawing two cards every turn, sure he can get killed through removal or burn spells, but it doesn't really matter, because all your other strong aggro cards are out. The last thing that made me want this card that much more was that it's a zombie. Two more zombies really helps because my Gravecrawler's chance of becoming a machine gun heightens.
*Fume Spitter wasn't so good anymore because the new rulings changed. Before, you attack, use Fume Spitter's ability, then the damage would be dealt, killing a 2/2. Now you can't do that, so I didn't like him because you can't sac him with other creature's abilities such as Bloodthrone Vampire to get two abilities out of sacrificing (sacrificing Fume Spitter with Bloodthrone to give Bloodthrone +2/+2 and putting a -1/-1 counter on another creature does not work)*