What about Castle raptors. The bird soldiers from Time Spiral?
I just did it to see if it would work.
you have 2 empyrial armor
Most of my decks are figurative experaments. To see if I really want them or not.
Thank you for your input
you can throw in some memnites and ornithopters for cheap early blockers.
i'm just saying it's funny to mutilate heavily
hey thanks That's a cool Idea
This is pretty nice looking and you could add two more cards, did you have any you're waiting for?
Might put in Akroma's Memorial? I think that would go well, this is a awesome deck without it still.
I just wanted a human deck and it gains a lot of life actually
It's the converted manacost in percentage, it's next to the deck.
Rise from the Grave, Reassembling Skeleton. Not the best but some help.
That's awesome. Maybe not but you could put in fungus sliver so if your slivers are blocked they get bigger still.For your side board maybe rite of passage. Just suggestions.
You could put in worm harvest, and creakwood liege. What kind of theme is it, what combos?
The vesuva will let me have more than four of the lands i need. When you get one of all the Urza lands (Urza's mine, tower, power-plant and factory) that's four lands for continuous 2/2 production. Mishra's factory you have to keep paying.
With the coat of arms that has a potential to back fire if they are playing quick theme decks. It's not just going to help you but the person or people you are facing
Love the General, you could add Djinn Illuminatus wich will let you replicate
and some lotus blooms
Also for your sideboard, you might get bestial menace, or maybe protean hydra and khalni hydra
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