Under the new legendary rule, Rite of Replication targetting reaper king kicked x amount of times (just sacing the tokens keeping the actual reaper king) would be something you may wana look at. destroy x permanents and win later.
Thought about Rakdos Return but not sure if that is a card worth putting on even maybe the side board.
This is an interesting way to use Epic Experiment. Ive seen it used with 0 creatures where it is mana ramped into a Devils Play. Had cards allowing for extra turns and extra draws. This is an cool way to use experiment. It looks like your main goal is to get as many tokens out and just run the opponent over. I like it. No sideboard ideas? I would say placing something allowing for extra draws like Think Twice or Deviation may allow you to gain the advantage vs something like Aggro or Burn.
This deck placed me 5th in my first FMN run. Bant Control was the deck I struggled against. I considered putting Falkenrath Aristocrat in there however I do not own a play set nor do I want to drop the cash for them. Any thoughts on some improvements? I feel like I could do better some where. Also I do not run shock lands because I am swinging most turns with everything and the 4-8 (assuming I get 2 each game) life a game is to valuable to me. At least I think it is.