since this has black in it, and it is a dragon deck, have you also considered putting in Sarkhan the mad? with the ammount of dragons you have, you could do something really really mean to people. I would say pull out the Devoted Druid, Scuttlemutt, and the broodmothers (it isn't devour-based, but a good sideboard idea!) and put in 2 Sarkhan the Mad.
If you're going for straight up eldrazi, get an Eldrazi Temple artifact, it would help a lot, and so far it looks pretty good!
what about the dragon barbarians that make dragon spells cost 2 colorless to cast? I get the manaramping and the creatures that tap for [insert color here] the land looks like the most expensive part.
with wolves, you could try and sideboard in a Master of the Wild Hunt, other than that, i like the idea.
i see why its called a machine gun. thats a really cool deck format, and i see what the wee dragonauts are for. For a sideboard, try putting in Kiln Fiends and sub them in and out for the wee dragonauts.
war-pride is so mean.... I like this a lot. I have a green/blue Spirit deck and it works well. goes to show you that unfriendly color combinations work :D
I like it, i've always wanted to make an angel deck. One suggestion though is putting in one or 2 Concerted Efforts (Ravnica), or an Akroma's Memorial. a lot of good abilities that you could exploit on your angels.
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