Instead of devour flesh there's a card called consuming vapors which basically does the same thing except it has rebound to it, and is a sorcery it does cost more but you get to cast it twice with only paying its mana cost once.
yeah I'm thinking of removing torrent of souls as there is only one and its keeping the deck away from 60 cards. The dragonskull summit is one card that I'm looking out for as I need dual lands in this deck. Though Fists of the demigod is one card I would want to keep as it gives wither and it makes ashenmoor gouger a really big threat. And I never really considered another contagion engine until now which would actually be very useful in giving -1/-1 counters maybe better than midnight banshee. The carnifex demon is also another card I'm looking into now as well. Thank you for the suggestions, and I defiantly will check out the horror deck you're building.