You can survive any type of agressive decks with Pyromancer tokens & removal... ...tough, against most aggro decks, I'd sideboard the 3 Anger of the Gods & drop all 4 Pyromancer... ...I use Pyromancer in the main deck, 'cuz it's good against any matchup.......
Chained to the Rocks is good against gods & effective against many types of threats... ...Angel of Serenity is a nice sideboard for Devotion matchups, since it can take out gods & also reduce the devotion quite a bit by exiling 3 creatures... ...she's also useful for exiling my creatures from the graveyard when facing a control or control-aggro deck with a strong set of removal & just cast my returned creatures when Serenity is gone(it's awesome with Stormbreath, since it has haste, so I can keep pressure on my opponent even after Serenity is gone & without a one turn-gap.......
Rakdos's Return is great against control, especially Sphinx's Revelation, but even against blue Devotion, when the opponent keeps cards for late-game dou to awareness of my board removal(in blue devotion, they usually draw quite some cards as well)...
I chose not to use Whip of Erebos(1 mainboard & 1 sideboard), 'cuz when I return the Demon for a turn, it can easily be stopped by sacrificing a creature & the Dragon has haste by itselfe... ...tough I use 3 Mutavault & 4 Pyromancer with the lifeling ability is great with & also with my other creatures, so I will test it out how it is, when I have the Whip...
3 Keyrune here, because my 5 mana slot is strongest & on turn-4 I intend to either Strombreath, or Council... :)
Desecration Demon is great here, since I have a strong set of removal, so the opponent won't have enough creatures to sacrifice & if he/she does, than he/she'll eventually run out of them... ...when I have two Demon out, it's a slaughter fest... :)
I consider using Toil // Trouble instead of Read the Bones, or may be 1 of it & 2 Bones, 'cuz it really can decide a tie game with the amount og damage it could deal, expecially against a control deck that has drawpower...
I use Thoughtseize against control & control-aggro decks(3), also against Gruul-ramp(2 +3 Lifebane Zombie)... ...the Zombie is awesome against those strong Selesnya-aggro decks & against even Naya ramp & aggro...
I considered using 1 Elspeth in either main or sideboard, because with Pyromancer, it wouldn't be bad, but her 2nd ability here is irrelavent since I have "a few" biggies...
Let me know what you'd change on this!