Sever all Serenity!

by PoetMaster-X on 20 December 2012

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Instants (3)

Enchantments (2)

Land (2)

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Deck Description

Standard(2012. december)... Azorius control...

Isperia in the sideboard, because if the opponent runs a strong set of removal, plus 3-4 Slaughter Games in his/her sideboard, I'm gonna' need more finishers... ...& she's also good against aggro.......

How to Play

Azorius Charm has a combo with Thought Scour (attacking creature on top of library, than mill it with Scour...'s nice, when you target Thragtusk, or Massenger with Azorius Charm, because uf they play them again, their triggered ability would resolve again... ...also good to mill away big attackers, such as Thundermaw Hellkite)...
...counters are alwayes good with the Charm of course.......

...this is a control deck, so the decidions are alwayes differ from each other... ...the main choises are when and what you sideboard...

...when the opponent playes permanent cards, that doesn't have an enter/leave the battlefield triggered ability, than Devastation Tide is awesome for you, expecially with the counters...
...Devastation Tide is great when you have Angel of Serenaty on board, because the creatures exiled by the Angek goes back to hand & the creatures exiled by the Angel from your graveyard goes back to hand as well & you can cast the Angel again...
...a counter, or a few is nice in those situations as well.......

I have 4 Saints mainboard, so I can play 1 before any wipe, so I probably going to be able to cast another after the wipe(s) & I can also get it back by Serenity...'s not a big waste, if I lose Saint to my own removal, 'cuz with this many draw spells, I almost every time have many of it in hand & it's legendary, so I can't cast more than 1 at a time anyway... ...I usually just attack with it once & lose it to a blocker, deal 4 damage, than cast a wipe nearly after it... ...for a late-game Geist, I can use Azorius Charm to protect it from blockers.......

I run 4 Syncopate & only 2 Dissipate, because I like to slow down the opponent in tuen 2 &/or 3... ...nice to counter Farseek, mana creatures & fast aggro stuff.......

I sideboard Negate against other control decks & those that use Door to Nothingness, or any other nonecreature finisher... ...those two cheap counter spells are huge help in addition to my others.......

I alwayes carefully chose what to target with Detention Sphere (when I sideboard Devastation Tide, I alwayes take Sphere out)... ...Tide is better against aggro & expecially against tokens.......

Deck Tags

  • Control

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,584 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Sever all Serenity!

Wow this looks like a great build, and with the shocklands coming out in Gatecrash the manabase will be made even better. Would really like to see it in action.

Great job as always Poet!

Posted 20 December 2012 at 05:25


Thanks! :)

...belive me, this deck is not tournament quality... doesn't stand a chanse against my tournament decks...

Posted 20 December 2012 at 12:47


It's still quite an amazing build, I always enjoy the decks you make as they usually inspire me to try out variants of them.

Would you possibly mind checking out my Grixis ?

Posted 20 December 2012 at 16:27


devastation tide maybe !, great job !
Nice deck, Check out this demon deck if you have a moment !
Deck link:

Posted 21 December 2012 at 03:14


Cool, I'm not sure if it will stand up to good bant control or junk rites or 4(5)-color reanimtor/control like decks that will be able to get our Angel of Serenity faster, and be swinging in faster and harder with Thragtusk's and Restorations angels.

If anything I think that Supreme Verdict should be 1 mainboard 2 sideboard while 4 mainboard terminus. Supreme Verdict I don't like cause of rootborn defenses, faith's shield, golgari charm etc which will just play down your board wipes effectiveness.

Other than that I think you might have trouble stabilizing, though you do have the entreat the angels which would help. But it's impossible to set up a board wipe into a good (miracle) entreat the angels. I think it's good to use a terminus turn 4-5-6 depending on mana ramp, miracle or whatever then the following into a thragtusk. Terminus burns out the opponent unless they are running more control like deck in which I would sideboard for more supreme verdicts based on their counters and draw spell ability.

Guess that is up to you though, best of luck with the deck all the shame.

Posted 19 January 2013 at 19:33


Thanks, man! :)

I too like Terminus more, than Verdict & it's much effective in many situations... ...against undying & Gravecrawler as well... tournament decks are Bant, America, B/U/G, Grixis & Junk... ...I also have a Jund, but it's worse, than the rest...

...this deck is only an experiment... ...I wanted to try this, because in a regular Azorius, you can use more control, than in 3 color decks & I was curious, if this could match up to my other decks, but it's not... ...this usually lose against Rakdos aggro & well constructed midrange decks.......

...though, this eleminates reanimator easily, because any reanimated biggie could be taken care of by Detention Sphere, Terminus, counters, Azorius Charm, than a counter, or Thought Scour, Devastation Tide, than a counter... ...and Rest in Peace eleminates reanimator entirely.......

Posted 19 January 2013 at 21:45
