25 lands, 4 Drownyard... ...basically, I have many wipes (I consider Serenity a wipe as well)... ...in the sideboard, I have even more... ...I play counters (I usually cast Syncopate early & keep the others for later)...
Azorius Charm is a nice combo with Thought Scour, or any other mill card since I can mill the creature I put on top...
I have many sorces to help Terminus trigger it's miracle ability... ...not only my instant draw spells, but also Dimir Charm (that ability is cool to use either on me, or my opponent)... ...with Revelation, sometimes I like to leave 1 mana up for the sake of hitting a Terminus on the 1st draw, if I need it that turn before the damage assign step.......
Rewind is awesome in this deck, though it's no good to have more than 1 of it, because it's a 4 mana counter, but that one copy is perfect, because I draw so many cars, it's like I have 2 of it & I still won't hit a 2nd... ...with my mana untapped after casting it, it's sweat to cast some charm, may be Scour after it - or a Revelation pherhaps.......
Having 3 Jace & 3 Sculpt makes the deck really effective & fast on the kill.......
With Dimir Charm, I could alwayes destroy a Huntmaster, or Biomancer, etc. as well... :)
In the sideboard, I use Elixir for facing other mill decks...
Rest in Peace is to counter Elixir of Immortality, but also good against grave decks of course... ...it's just because of Elixir, that I use 3 & not 2 of it...
Detention Sphere is for Witchbane Orb (in case I couldn't counter it/same goes for Elixir)... ...of course, Sphere is good against tokens, or any time I'd need some extra removal, expecialy against indestructible, regenerationable & grave stuff(when Terminus is not enough/it's alwayes enough :) )...
...when the opponent has Orb & Nevermore targeting Detention Sphere on board at the same time, I'd have a serious problem, so I use 2 Negate to increase the chanse of countering 1 or both of these stuff... ...of course, Negate is also good against other control decks, expecially mill decks & decks that use many counters... ...Negate is also there to evade Door to Nothingness & Worldfire, when I have nothing else to stop it with.......
...the 2 extra Syncopate is for both Thragtusk using - midrange decks (they usually use all the mana they have most of within the 1st 6 turns) and also against fast aggro decks (Syncopate is very good there within the 1st 5 turns).......
...the extra Supreme Verdict is for facing fast aggro decks that may kill me off, if I draw in the wrong order... ...if I have that 1 extra cheap wipe, I have a way bigger chanse at surviving til' my 1st Revelation.......
I'm thinking about taking this to FNM this weak, but it's just might gonna' be my 5 - color Bolas/Bant deck.......