Modern, Frosen-Naya(R/G/W/{U}), midrange-twin... ...MADE CHANGES in sideboard!.. topic... I've made over half a dozen new standard decks if anybody's interested in takin a look at these:
Have a few more though, but these are the good ones I believe...
Witness: Return A fetchland, or Temporal Mastery, or Bonfire, or Helix, Or Thragtusk, or Splicer... can also retrive Kiki-Jiki or an Angel if you prefer...
Kiki-Jiki: Copy Thragtusk, or Splicer, or Witness, or copy Restoration Angel, use the Angel's copy on Thragtusk or Splicer, or Witness...
Restoration Angel: Pretty much how you use it's copy above, but you can also protect Kiki-Jiki with it...
I JUST NOTICED, that if you copy Restoration Angel & target Kiki-Jiki, then Kiki-Jiki will be untapped again, then you can copy Restoration Angel once more & target Kiki-Jiki again, then copy the Angel again, then target Kiki-Jiki again...'s also infinite!!!!! ...then you can attack with all copies, cuz they have Haste!!!! WTF??!!!
So basically, you gain tons of life & you are able to play fetch lands again & again by copying or flicking Witness by Kiki-Jiki &/or Restoration Angel... ...You can cast Temporal Mastery again & again, despite it's 7 mana each turn, you'll have infinite extra turns if you have Kiki-Jiki & a Witness on board & Mastery in your graveyard... ...& you(in most cases) will have plenty lands too by the time it happens, because of the constant fetch land re-cast... ...basically, if this happens(& it's not hard to achive), you'll win the game automatically if your opponent doesn't have counters ready... ...he/she will have no more turns left.......
It's also amazing to recast Bonfire each turn, even though it's gonna' be hardcast, just like Mastery, but it's fine... ...also, when you hit any of these two in early/mid-game, it's very helpful...
I'm not sure about the Hierarch though, cuz Kiki-Jiki requires 3 red mana & she can not generate that. ...but if you copy a creature with Kiki-Jiki & you attack only with that creature(because it'll leave the bettlefield at the end of your turn anyway), then the Hierarch pumps it which is nice... ...for this red mana reason, I put in 1 Birds of Paradice & only 3 Hierarch & I also have 4 Caryatid, so I think it'll be fine...
I feel like the mana base could be a little more stabil, but it's almost perfect anyway... ...any suggestions on that are wellcome & also any other thoughts on this deck, like always... ...I just don't like the fact that with Arid Mesa, I can not search for any basic lands & also with Rainforest, I can only search for those 3 Forests as basics... ...though, thanks to the lifegain in the deck, getting shocklands into play tapped isn't a big deal as far as it goes for 2-3(depending on situation & opposition).......
So I realized that Temporal Mastery needs to be exiled after cast, so I'm using Time Warp which actually is better for the combo, cuz I only need 5 mana for it...
So... ...any thoughts??