
by PoetMaster-X on 28 May 2012

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Sorceries (6)

Instants (9)

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Deck Description

UWRG miracle control for standard... (Change has been made in sideboards - 2012. 07. 03.)

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  • Tournament

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This deck has been viewed 37,542 times.

Mana Curve

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Havenfire

Thanks for your feed back on splintertree :) this looks like so much fun to play at fnm. Plus the four color thing will throw your opponent way off.. plus with entreat the angel as youe finishes its gotta be constant . Very nice build.

Posted 04 June 2012 at 20:13


Thanx! :)

The only concern with this deck is "Memoricide"/"Surgical Extraction"... I might gonna' add 4 "Negate"-s in the sideboards instead of Tamiyo, a Ray & a Mastery...

Posted 04 June 2012 at 21:32


kayburgon223 has deleted this comment.

Posted 11 June 2012 at 13:50


yeah man i really like it - my fav card type is land and u use it in a really interesting way in here - miracles FTW!

Posted 12 June 2012 at 21:18


nice deck, works around entreat and bonfire, two of the most overpowered cards of the set, especially for its miracle cost.

good job

Posted 14 June 2012 at 23:58


I like the deck. except for the lands, it looks like a block deck that was played not to long ago.
I think that you can take out 2 Devastation Tide and put in 2 Oblivon Ring atlest. thats my opinion. hope it will help

Posted 28 June 2012 at 19:27


I can't get it, why U don't like the lands... I always make sure to make the best mana base possible for my decks... I always calculate it to be as stabil as it needs to be & still stay fast (rearly to have a land enter tapped)...

Anywayes.... THX 4 YO comment! I don't like "Oblivion Ring", 'cuz it's easy to take out, expecially in todayes standard...

Posted 29 June 2012 at 17:34


Very nice deck.

Have to wonder is Noxious Revival really better than Snapcaster if you also add unsummon into the mix? Would want to test.

I see Negate in the sideboard so I got to wonder why no mana leak in the mainboard maybe because you don't care since you can Devastation Tide or Terminus all your troubles away.

The more I look at this deck the more I realize miracle abuse may be is the future of Magic.

There is little I can suggest in improvements perhaps add a few Revoke Existence over a couple Paraselene. Artifacts seem more of a danger than enchantments in the current metagame.

Posted 28 June 2012 at 20:06


THX 4 YO comment! :)

U were helpful! I've added Revoke....

Enchantments R more dangerous against this deck, than artifacts, 'cuz "Nevermore" is a weakness...

Revival is way better, than Snapcaster... 2 reasons: I have 16 miracles & with Snap, I could only play tham for their normal cost plus 2... I can't really use Snap as a creature, 'cuz I have "Terminus" & also Judgment in the sides... Well... Tide would be good with Snap, 'cuz I could play it again & again & again... ...& the 7 mana ain' that much for this deck... The only reason I won't do this is 'cuz I need Noxious much, 'cuz it's way faster & goes well with all my miracles & I have no free spot for Snap, 'cuz I don't need to play Tide time after time... Creatures ain' the problem, I always whipe tham out as many times as needed... I had 2 focus on "Nevermore", Extraction & "Memoricide" & a little bit on Ratchet, so I've added counters & anti enchantment/artifact...

Posted 04 July 2012 at 12:18


In my opinion -2 noxious +2 snap caster. -2 devastation tide, +2 o-ring, I also don't think you need so much card draw, so drop 4 of something else, and add 4 negate or mana leak. I also think temporal mastery is great and you could always squeeze a few in.

Posted 28 June 2012 at 21:18


THX 4 YO comment!

Snap Caster would be weak in this1, 'cuz I only get to play my miracles for their normal coasts plus 2... I defenatly need 4 Noxious... Oblivion is highly overraited, 'cuz it could easily be destroyed... With that much draw spells & that much mass removal I always have the time to win... With Noxious, I can cast my cards for their miracle coasts, as a matter of fact, it's the no1 winning card in the deck... As I draw a lotta' cards, I always get, what I need in time... I've won on last friday with this deck :) ...

Posted 29 June 2012 at 17:40


Really love the Miracle concept you have here. Any plans of turning this into Legacy? Combining it with Counter-top combo? Spells like Brainstorm? Nice deck btw.

Posted 29 June 2012 at 18:51


Yeah! I would be the happiest, if "Brainstorm" was standard :) ... I rearly play legacy, I'm only interested in extended & standard...

THX 4 YO' comment!

Posted 01 July 2012 at 15:13


Only card I can think of is thunderous wrath. I like the miracle concept and them deck looks good.

Posted 02 July 2012 at 02:22


You might want to have some hard creatures in the sideboard to protect against Ratchet Bomb. Maybe Sigarda?

Posted 03 July 2012 at 16:27


That's not a bad idea! ...but Sigarda is G & the deck ain' stabil for G... the only reason I have a Forest with the 4 Wilds is to make me able to play Revival without paying life, if I have few left...

Well...Ratchet could detroy my tokens, but I'll just use Revival & play Entreat again... I'm about to change the sideboards a bit, 'cuz I need a little anti artifact in it... If I don't have the tokens & the opponent playes Ratchet, I'll just exile it with Revoke :) ...

THX 4 YO comment! :)

Posted 03 July 2012 at 16:41


...Or I'll just counter Ratchet with "Negate" :)

Posted 03 July 2012 at 16:43


i Like the idea of a miracle deck you have here. set up with ponder, pull from grave with revival, the only thing i would do, is play more green because the faster you get to 3 the better the miracle will become because its one turn earlier. still, great idea.


Posted 03 July 2012 at 18:31


Trust me... ...I've played it on friday twice & it was more, than fast enough & I haven't lost a game yet with it :) ...

Putting in more green would make it less stabil... It's a 4 color deck, I won't flip the concept for just some ramp... besides... ...I don't need it, 'cuz with "Ponder" & Revival, I can play my miracles for their special cost...

THX 4 YO comment! :) ...

Posted 05 July 2012 at 09:16


maybe mana leaks and dissipates so if they counter ur thunderous wrath u cn save it

Posted 03 July 2012 at 19:42


The only counter I use is "Negate", 'cuz what I can't avoid by other spells R "Memoricide" & "Surgical Extraction"... I have the medicine for everything else... ...but... i'm going to change the 2 Mastery for 2 "Dissipate", so I could get a higher chanse to avoid the decks weaknesses... I also change 2 Ray & 2 "Paraselene" for 4 Revoke... :) ...

THX! U helped me realize things... :)

Posted 03 July 2012 at 22:39


The enchantment removal is basically against "Nevermore", 'cuz it's the other sorce of weakness of the deck...

Posted 03 July 2012 at 22:49


PBY has deleted this comment.

Posted 04 July 2012 at 00:48


If you want some creatures i would suggest some delvers and maybe some red burn just i case

Posted 04 July 2012 at 02:13


The mass removal I have would drop off my creatures, so I need only Entreat... I have a flying-tokens deck with Delver & Entreat... : http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=343701

THX 4 YO comment! :)

Posted 04 July 2012 at 12:04


I enjoy the similarity to Hayne's Hallelujah, but with your own multi colour spin on it. I'm curious if you still see this as a viable standard deck once Noxious Revival is phased out in October. Would you then go the route of Temporal Mastery, and take out the green colour entirely?

Also, with your sideboard what do you plan on subbing out if you encounter Nevermore, Memoricide or Surgical Extraction. I'm not entirely sure what could be taken out without sacrificing miracle stability (or instability depending on who you're talking to) so I'm curious as to what you would do.

You really have made something quite nice here. Kudos to you good sir.

Posted 04 July 2012 at 03:42



I'm using this deck now on standard & it works great! I haven't lost a game last & on this Friday... :) ...

What I'd take out... It depends on what I need to side in & how many... I could take out 2-4 draw spells, &/or 1-1 copies of Bonfire, "Terminus", or Tide... May be 2 copies of some... Tide is the only miracle I toke 2-3 out of in a game...

If I needed to, - (but I haven't needed yet to do) - I could even take out a "Sulfur Falls" if I toke out a Bonfire, 'cuz it still remaines stabil in color & I still have 23 lands & quite some draw spells to always get what I need... :) ...

So maximally, I could take out 9 cards (4 draws/2 Scour & 2 Twice, or 4 of 1, or 3-1 .., 2 Tide, 1 Bonfire, 1 Terminus, 1 Sulfur)... I could than insert the cards I need from the sides, for example: 4 Revoke, 4 "Negate", 1 Dissipate...

I have never toke out 9 cards of the main... 7 was the most...

What U've said is true... ...this is similar to Hayne's winning deck, but not very much... Over half of the deck doesn't mach his... I'm sure, that mine's clearly much stabil, fast, effective & resellient & a hell of a lot stronger... :) ...

Thanks 4 Yo comment again!! :)

Posted 04 July 2012 at 11:56


Looks almost exactly like Avacyn Pro Tour Finalist deck, no wonder it kicks ass on FNM :)

Posted 04 July 2012 at 12:17


Yeah...it sure kicks ass :) ...

Take a good look at it once more! It isn't close to be exactly like Hayne's deck... Over half the deck doesn't mach... I've calculated way much, than the 1 did, who built his deck...

Posted 04 July 2012 at 12:21


Not bad but snapcaster is kinda a staple in a deck made all of spells.

Blightsteel Is Back!

Feedback needed thanks

Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=356934

Posted 05 July 2012 at 03:18


i don't think Snapcaster Mage would do well in this deck.

Posted 05 July 2012 at 06:46


A lotta' builders say, that I woulda' need Snapcaster... R U guyes freakin' stupid??! Honestly... I play MIRACLES... I repeat: "MIRACLES"... I could play 'em with Snap for their normal coast plus 2... I don't need to flashback my draw spells, 'cuz I have well enough of 'em & 33% of 'em has flashback on it's own & also Dread has flashback...

Why do almost everyboddy act stupid??! ...or U just won't pay attention for the deck U comment & spam on... ...just toke a fast look & wrote some crap, so U could post a link... It's not what this site is for...

Posted 05 July 2012 at 09:01


good ol' noxious revival. When 7 angels aren't enough!

check out my EDH in progress!

Posted 05 July 2012 at 09:29


...or if U would need another "Terminus", or Bonfire, etc... :) ... Even if U need to use Revoke, or "Paraselene" again... Even if the opponent playes "Memoricide", or extraction, I'll play Noxious on "Negate", or Dissipate", than play 1 of my 12 draw spells & counter :) ...

Posted 05 July 2012 at 12:31


Insane deck Poet, I have to agree with you def this one is better than the Hallelujah build, you don't even rely solely on Entreat the angels for the win since you can burn to death with Bonfire.
Also the lack of ponders or noxious revival on the Hallelujah made it sort of a gamble to play, yours is more consistent.

Posted 05 July 2012 at 17:49


Thanks, man! True... ...I digg your point. Hayne really did gamble for a bit & he got quite lucky, expecially against Joshua Cho, who had an excellent deck & played extreamly well... Hayne is a good player too, he knowes what he's doin' & he's thinking quite a few steps ahead, but he's deck was incomplete...

This deck hasn't lost a game since I've built it, so I'm confident in it :) ...

Posted 05 July 2012 at 21:22


I love the build, its very unique and i can see this deck popping up in FNM events from people using your idea! I think you have started a major deck favorite!

Please check out my standard, as you know much more than I

Posted 05 July 2012 at 22:05


THX, U have nice vision! :) ...

This is probably the best standard deck I've ever built & played...

Posted 05 July 2012 at 22:39


Loving the extreme Miracle usage that this deck has. The balance is great, and can't think of any suggestions for improvements. Very nice, keep up the good work. :) What are you thinking of replacing Seachrome Coast for when the Mirrodin block expires? Just as a silly suggestion, maybe 1x Hinderland Harbor?

If you've got time, would you be able assess my deck I came up with. Your comments and suggestions/improvements would mean a lot. Thanks in advance. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=357043

Posted 06 July 2012 at 11:13


When Mirrodin goes out, Revival will be out as well, so I'll drop all green & use 2 more miracles & 2 more draw spells... :) ...

Extraction & "Memoricide" will go out as well, so the deck will be much invincible... ...but the lack of Revival will be a huge los.....

Posted 06 July 2012 at 12:53


Have you thought about trading ponder/thought scour for faithless looting? Seems better to draw two and have the opportunity to drop two miracles in the graveyard for noxious revival.

Posted 06 July 2012 at 19:05


It's really better, than Scour at sometimes, but it would make the deck instabil... of course, I've thought about it, I've also tried it, but at a lot of times I ended up with no miracles in hand & still at least 1 Loothing in hand... Sometimes, U don't know, what will U draw & U might don't wanna' drop 'em... Multiple times I had to discard Revival... ...it wasn't sweet...

Than I've tried with 2 Loothing, 4 "Ponder", 3 Scour & 3 Twice... the resolt was still worse, than I expected...

Anywayes, thx 4 YO' suggestion! What U thought of was logical, but in actuality it wasn't that sweet at all :) ...

Posted 09 July 2012 at 12:35


...also... I might won't draw as many Noxious as I'd need to cast all the miracles I've discarded with Loothing... it sucks most of the time...

Posted 09 July 2012 at 12:39


Have you considered Index instead of Ponder

Posted 07 July 2012 at 19:00


http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=358427 :Miracle
http://www.mtgvault.com/EditDeck.aspx?DeckID=355673&DeckCardID=8511754 :U/R Delver
I've started running miracles, after looking at this deck. I never thought of it before, but I played with the link above last friday, and i fount that miracles run the most consistent against some of the most popular decks in standard: U/W Delver, B/U Zombies, B/R Zombies, Red Wins, U/G Infect
2-1 2-0 2-1 2-0 2-1
FNM results
I placed 3rd overall
During a fun match against my own deck, I fount U/R Delver is a very difficult deck to run against, and also heavy blue counter/control decks are difficult to defeat. I've considered running my deck more similar to yours, but I like it so far.

Now, that Index will be be back in standard next Friday I'm going to run it. This is because, I've caught myself using ponder on the third turn, seeing Entreat the Angels, Bonfire, and another Entreat the Angels. I probably sat there for ten minutes thinking - SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT! '

Another thing I fount to be helpful was Timely Reinforcements, being in my sideboard.

Posted 08 July 2012 at 06:10


I will add Index instead of "Noxious Revival", 'cuz Revival will be out soon...

Grats!! :) ... Now U C how miracles kick ass... I've played this deck the 3rd time this friday & for the 3rd time, I haven't lost a single game... :) ...

Posted 09 July 2012 at 12:25


I agree with you man, snapcaster isnt a good move. This deck is pretty sweet. Maybe temporal mastery.

Posted 08 July 2012 at 18:20


Elixir of immortality or some way to reshuffle your graveyard might be good to. Cause with some low cost mill decks, Or land destruction deck would be tough to beat.

Posted 08 July 2012 at 18:24


Reshuffling my library would mass up the deck, 'cuz I play with "Noxious Revival"

Posted 09 July 2012 at 12:19


nLINE is absolutly right... ...also... with this many mass removal, I don't need extra turnes... I only need the Revival to recast my miracles...

...also... My miracles is worth to play for their normal coast, Mastery is not alwayes... In Hayne's deck, he needed it, 'cuz he's mass control wasn't that strong at all... He also had luck a lot of times & at only 1 time in the whole tournament, he've made good use of Mastery against Joshua Cho...

No matter what Mastery does, it's the worse miracle I could put in this deck & it won't do much... I don't need it at all, but thx 4 the suggestion!! :) ...

Posted 09 July 2012 at 12:45


Yes, temporal master gives you an extra turn. Yes, it has a miracle cost. Yet, you have to consider what miracles have to be taken out to push this card in. I honestly don't think Temporal Mastery would benefit this deck any, except for the fact that you have an extra land drop and you can swing twice if you have angels out. Also, the card is exiled after being played, so the long term effect isn't worth the time of changing this deck.

Posted 08 July 2012 at 18:41


Thanks for replying in my Naya humans deck and for the helpful feedback any suggestions on how I should fix the land?

This deck is looking really solid and I agree it doesn't need snap caster in it noxious revival is much better for casting miracles

I'm really surprised this handles well with no creatures and hasn't lost to infect or fast aggrieved heavy decks or other control decks very nice job man.

Posted 09 July 2012 at 21:57


THX, man! :) ...

I will comment on the lands soon! Now, that the Mirrodin lands will go out in a few dayes, it'll be a little much difficult to make it stabil & fast, but it's not impossible... By the time Return to Ravnica comes out, I'm sure, there'll be new dual lands :) ...

Posted 09 July 2012 at 22:03


I made another attempt on miracles, let me know what you think: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=359017

Posted 10 July 2012 at 01:42


yea this deck seems like its really fun to play. and i personally prefer creature beatdown haha. i also dont think snapcaster is any good with this because of the wipes and with the revival he isnt needed.

i just posted my FNM standard decklist. any insight would be greatly appreciated!

Posted 10 July 2012 at 20:16


Btw your deck is still standard legal.....standard rotates in October with return to ravnica

Posted 13 July 2012 at 19:49


Really??! :) ... What a relief...............................

Than I can win all fridayes 'til Ravnica comes out... :)))) ...

THX 4 YO' help!..

Posted 13 July 2012 at 20:06


Wow, I like it. I don't think I could beat this with my FNM decks. I hope no one decides to run a deck like this at my local FNM. Could you take a look at my FNM decks?

Posted 14 July 2012 at 00:16


The upper1 is quite a good deck!.. :) ...

Posted 14 July 2012 at 09:51


What about gut shot for pesky 1/1 's? or on sideboard !

Posted 14 July 2012 at 03:01


Basically, it's quite a good idea, but I can't take out anything for it, not even from the sideboards... I've prepared this deck for anything & everything in todayes standard & I have a lotta' mass removal, so Gut is not nesesary...

THX 4 YO' suggestion!

Posted 14 July 2012 at 09:49



PS. : I'm getting arrogant... I'm bagging for anyboddy 2 beat me!.. :)

Posted 15 July 2012 at 15:54


I've played this exact deck at fnm. Yet, it did not do as well as everyone is claiming. If you do draw bonfires and angels, you will do well, but there is no plan b. When i played this deck, it won first round awesomely, though it was a long game with each match. With moderate/intermediate players, it sweeps the board with them, but when facing someone who has been playing long enough to know what they're doing, they know whats coming and how to win. I am still running miracles, but I through in cards that would give me more to do early game, with a plan b if i dont get angels or a bonfire during mid/late game. The only matchup that still really just busts shit up in this deck is Grixis Snapcaster Vengeance with surgical extraction. Otherwise, I love your ideas, i like what you're doing, but you eed to consider adding more to this deck. I mean if it is working for thats great, thats just my personal opinion.

Posted 19 July 2012 at 22:32


I don't belive, that U've played the same deck as I... I have a lotta' players claim that they have made & played decks "card for card the same as myselfe"... Quit the bulls.it & be true, or get lost!

This deck is truely effective & resellient ONLY IN IT'S COMPLETE FORM, considering the sideboards as well...

If U know, how to play it - (when & what against what & in what situation) - U have a 97% chanse at winning in every game in todayes standard...

Hayne won a pro-tour with a less effective deck that is a bit similar to this, but yet very different... I've won my 4th FNM today, just hours ago with this deck & I haven't lost a game yet again... In my location, in Hungary, we have a lotta' great players & they R also awesome builders for themselves, so my deck has been tested to the limit at all 4 occations & still, without a bruse it survived...

Posted 20 July 2012 at 12:35


I have played this deck card for card at my local fnm, I placed 3rd. All I'm saying is that I think cards like negate should be in your mainboard. Also, sideboards should not be copied, because you need to know what you are willing to do with it. I just got caught in situations, where i couldn't find bonfire or entreat. You shouldn't get so hurt over one comment that is saying you can make changes. My personal opinion to this deck is that you should incorporate something that will benefit you and your winning. This deck does have weaknesses that you need to see, as does every deck.

Posted 20 July 2012 at 16:42


nLINE has deleted this comment.

Posted 20 July 2012 at 17:01


I'm in for changes & I've changed it 4 times... Every deck has weaknesses, but I made the sideboards for those... "Negate" & "Dissipate" is for Extraction & "Memoricide"... Revoke is for "Nevermore" & Ratchet... "Paraselene" is also for "Nevermore"...

If U use the sideboards the right way against every type of decks & U take out the right cards from the main deck, U won't lose against a standard deck... Belive me... I've created this deck & I know how to use it & I haven't lost a game in 4 FNM-s...

I'm not hurt, don't get me wrong! :) ... I'm just sick of the thing, that a lotta' players bullshittin' me, that they have built &/or played the same deck as I, card for card...

If U use this deck completely how it should be used & U ain' extreamly unlucky, U won't lose a game with it... :)

Posted 22 July 2012 at 13:08


I think your deck works great as it is, and I'm running this base at SNM tonight. I'm just experimenting with other things, I put dissipate into my main, for the match ups that are most popular around me. I think I am going to a lot better with it. I'm actually considering making a deck like this, with red more incorporated. I think this deck will be a whole lot more stable (not saying it isn't now) when Return to Ravnica comes out, though you will lose noxious revival, you will most likely have shocks to better stable the mana.

Posted 22 July 2012 at 17:49


Yep... In Ravnica, we will get dual-lands, that posess the basic land type of it's colors, I'm sure of this... What other reason would they reprint "Farseek" & make "Ranger's Path" in M13 for?

In extended, I like to use Ravnica lands with Zendikar fatches, this way a 4 color deck could be stabil like hell... It's my favorite way to do it :) ...

I think, standard miracle is in it's strongest form until Ravnica comes out... we'll C, but I think without Revival it won't be this stabil & resellient...

Posted 23 July 2012 at 12:39


Im still running miracles, your deck based my deck. I do like the design and card advantage, but have you played against a U/G Turbo Fog deck yet. Last SNM, a deck like that took this down 0-2. I pulled 9 angels at one point, I bonfired like crazy, I pulled every negate and dissipate in(trading for deva. tide and 2 terminus ) , i pulled two paraselene (trading for 2 terminus), and at the end of all this i still lost. I put all the damage in that i could i, and i fount its hard to outcounter a counter deck. Other than that I placed 4th.
The first 5= B/R Zombies 2/0, U/R Delver 2/1, G/B Infect 2/0, U'G Turbo Fog 0/2, Esper Mid 2/1
Cut 8= Mono B Infect 2/1
For top 4= Mono Blue Wizards( there might have been some black, but he kept it hidden. I saw a darkslick shores while he was shuffling) 1/2
The last round, i was mana swamped the 2nd and 3rd game
I honestly dont know how miracles will work after the new thread starts, if its similar to old ravnica, miracles might still have a place. Yes, revival is out, but i think this might have a chance.

Posted 24 July 2012 at 00:51


Against fog, U should take out Bonfire, if the opponent doesn't play "Nevermore"... U toke out too much removal, that ain' damage based...

I toke out a "Ponder" & 3 Twice, along with 2 Bonfires.... I put in the "Negate"-s, 1 "Dissipate" & 1 Judgment...

I've won 2-0... This friday, I'm entering the 5th tournament with this deck :) ...

Posted 24 July 2012 at 19:10


The only, I took all the removal out when going up against a U/G turbo fog mill deck. Terminus because no creatures, and devastation tide because only one jace, and i used parselene to get rid of jace's ensure. Bonfire wasn't really needed, but t did get damage in.
Against mono blue, I did take out bonfire, and 1 sulfur falls. The only reason he won the second game was that i had to mulligan down to 5 and i only had 3 lands around the sixth turn. The third game we went into turns, and i was again mana srewed.
The more i play with this deck, the more i like it. I have u/w delver and r/b zombies decks, i used to compete with. Even though those are tier 1 decks, they seem to be losing there thrill, meaning its boring and everyone expects it. With a deck like this, while they are sideboarding, they have an oh shit face. Its just fun to run with.

Posted 25 July 2012 at 00:22


Creatureless mill is the worst this deck could oppose, 'cuz this1 has a lotta' mass removal & draw spells, so the removal becomes useless & the draw assist the mill...

U still shoulda' beat that fog - mill deck, U just had bad luck with the lands wich is a very rare problem with this deck... The way to beat it is to use Revival on the miracles U've got milled in your grave & counter the preventing spells, when U attack with angels, or play Bonfire... If he had no creatures, than U shoulda' take out Dread as well...

I've had times in the past, when I had bad opening hands... In my 1st tournament in 1999 I've played an elf deck & once I had 2 draw 4 cards for an opening :) ... I placed 3rd... I was 9 back than :) ...

2 more dayes & I'll test "Havenfire" for the 5th time :) ...

Posted 25 July 2012 at 13:14


Would you take this to a GP

Posted 25 July 2012 at 22:55


I will :) ...

Posted 26 July 2012 at 15:40


I might, on August 18th

Posted 26 July 2012 at 23:16


I think U should... Your luck was quite short so far with it, but the "rule of big numbers" will be on your side now!

The deck has a lotta' draw spells, so it's hard to have bad luck with it, but well... ...sometimes it happens...

Good luck, if U go!

I hope I won't screw up on GP... ...the "rule of big numbers" might not be on my side, since I haven't lost a game yet with this... :) ...

Posted 27 July 2012 at 11:10


I think I will, but im going to make some big changes in the sideboard. I'm expecting tokens, delver, pods, and maybe infect. I'll probably incorporate some more board wipes that can be played from your hand second turn, such as whipflare. I've also considered changing the structure to add Thundermaw Hellkite.

Posted 28 July 2012 at 04:47


These R not bad ideas, but I think this deck can't lose against a creature/token based deck... Infect could overspeed it, but only if U have bad luck with the lands wich is not a common problem with "Havenfire"...

Pod could be taken out by Revoke... A strong Delver is competitive, but if U ide in 5-6 counters U'll be good, just make sure to take out Tide...

May be U could change Judgment to "Whipflare", but I won't do that... It's may be faster, but in a lotta' situations, it's useless...

U said U have a Delver deck... What do U think of mine? :) ... : http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=361319

Posted 28 July 2012 at 14:47


I wouldn't take out day of judgement, though I've been thinking of taking out parselene( it honestly depends on what decks i see). I'm still deciding on if i should run this deck. The decision is between Mono G Infect, Post Havenfire, U/W Delver, Naya Pod. I'm leaning towards my version of this or my infect deck. The only reason I think this deck will make an impact is that people who haven''t played decks like this don't know how to react to it.

Posted 28 July 2012 at 17:04


U/W Delver won't survive, nor pod... I think U should play B/G infect instead of mono-G. & add some fog stuff in the sides...

"Havenfire" beats everything in todayes standard, U just had very bad luck with it... 2 dayes ago I went to FNM in another location in my country & I yet again I haven't lost a game... I twice had 6 lives wich haven't happened be4 & once I had 8 cards in my library :) ...

Posted 29 July 2012 at 12:46


Have you considered Phantasmal Image in the sideboard. I have found that G/W creature based decks are starting to hit the surface of standard, and Phant. Image takes care of all legends(thalia, m13 lords, and it is an all around good card) and it helps you get something out early game.I know you probably don't want it in your deck, but this deck is left open most of the time for the first three turns. I wouldn't throw it in the main deck though. I guess it depends on whats popular in your area, but it has been helping my version of this.

Posted 31 July 2012 at 01:36


Image is a great card, but not in this1... I have lotta' mass removal, that I can use more than just once by Revival... Besides, if I play tham at the right time, the opponent won't be able to come back...

Having Image in the sideboards is a good idea in todayes standard for most decks, that has blue in it...

In my area, magic is way more popular, than in most places, so U need to be ready for anything & everything :) ... The decks & players styles R quite colorful...

Posted 31 July 2012 at 12:53


I get what your saying, but i have to run it in my sideboard. It sounds out there, but it does help. I've actually used it quite a bit.

Posted 31 July 2012 at 22:50


May be, at your location, it's much useful, than "Paraselane" &/or "Dissipate" corrently :) ...

It's only 2 dayes & I'll test "Havenfire" for the 6th time :) ...

Posted 01 August 2012 at 10:19


The only reason I've been commenting so much, is the fact that this deck crosses my mind at different points all throughout the day. I honestly love running it, and I think its pretty much perfect for the mass majority of games. I'll try to make this my last comment.

Posted 01 August 2012 at 23:35


It's quite allright... We had a great conversation! :)

Enjoy the deck! When Ravnica comes out, I'll make sure to send U my new version of miracles...

Posted 02 August 2012 at 10:08


This is what my version looks like now

Posted 16 August 2012 at 21:40
