20 Decks, 15 Comments, 0 Reputation

Thanks! I completely forgot about that card I don't know how either since it's REALLY good

Posted 18 May 2013 at 16:40 in reply to #353868 on Immortal Extortion


Other cards I wanted to add, Vizkopa, Disciple of bolas, and I forgot the third actually...

Posted 04 May 2013 at 16:36 in reply to #348174 on Life gain(Advice is nice~)


Temple garden is in the deck haha, but I was trying to think what could I take out for advent, not completely sure if I want to swap something out I mean I wanted to put it in the main deck but there was kinda no more room D;

Posted 04 May 2013 at 16:32 in reply to #348174 on Life gain(Advice is nice~)


I put in on the sideboard and put augur in the main deck instead. Didn't see the secondly part sorry ha, and that is true.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 17:43 in reply to #347416 on Grixis(Advice/Comments?)


See that's where I'm kinda at a cross roads, cause yes it can finish off the person and it does go well with madcap but if I need a blocker then I'm boned which is why I'm not sure what I wanna do, I mean neither of them really has the advantage cause one can finish the game but can't save you but the other can block but probably won't be the reason you win x- x

Posted 02 May 2013 at 17:40 in reply to #347234 on Master Of Insanity(Comments?)


Thanks! Yeah, thanks for pointing that out I already made the changes, thanks again~!

Posted 02 May 2013 at 17:09 in reply to #347416 on Grixis(Advice/Comments?)


Welp, I'm making a grixis now then...

Posted 02 May 2013 at 16:20 in reply to #347299 on Master Of Insanity(Comments?)


Thanks, it was kind of a last second add because I kinda forgot about that card actually, but your deck will most likely work out except for the indestructables which is why I have devour flesh and aurger spree, devour flesh makes it not matter that he gains life since you know.. Master of Cruelties and auger spree cause it can be a bit versatile and you get to chose who you want dead

Posted 02 May 2013 at 07:12 in reply to #347234 on Master Of Insanity(Comments?)


phase* haha sorry about that XD

Posted 02 May 2013 at 06:58 in reply to #347234 on Master Of Insanity(Comments?)


Not trying to put down your deck but it's not just based on Master of Cruelties, don't get me wrong I like your idea way better already, having creatures die before the combat faze & having the ultimate defense/offense basically because they can't attack but if they don't then you're just gonna pick them off with pit fight on other cards like that jeez... that's pretty... good actually, only problem is removal which actually isn't a problem if you add disentomb and other regeneration spells that green has access to well not regeneration but returning the card to your hand. Which in turn you might need golgari charms to destroy enchantments and artifacts that stop you from targeting cards in your grave, so Golgari Charm is a good possible sideboard and even main deck card for your idea.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 06:58 in reply to #347234 on Master Of Insanity(Comments?)


Hmmm... that would be a good idea since they can't be blocked on turn 2 that's 4 damage... if I madcap if not that's 1 damage at the least each turn but what to take out is the problem...

Posted 02 May 2013 at 06:47 in reply to #347234 on Master Of Insanity(Comments?)


I changed the sideboard up a bit but yeah, thanks :D

Posted 01 May 2013 at 01:01 in reply to #345544 on Jund Comments/Advice?


I actually thought about adding him but took him out for slumbering dragon, what do you think I should replace?

Posted 28 April 2013 at 03:31 in reply to #345544 on Jund Comments/Advice?
