more lans in case of land burn, i dunno, you could try getting the card down to the standard size though
too many cards, makes chance of drawing coalition even less, and all your lands.
seething songs, rite of flames, just ideas. also, how do you defend yourself until you win?
ghor clans suck, more ulasht and rumbling! In my experience, gruul decks, unless you have burns, suck, because you usually cant get the bloodthirst.
umm some of the cards suck in there, and you need some lanowar elves and some more mana acceleration take out the artifacts, the elvish warrior, the wirewood guardian, 2 ambush commanders, elven riders, and elvish abberation, plenty of better cards out there.
stuffy doll + pariah loses to counter and destroy ( counter and -1-1) and also damnation and WOG
still, this deck would lose to counter decks, unless you add some boseijus
yeah the prob is that you may not have the power to win, and if yo do, it'll be slow. out with the children and replace with magus of the moat. when garg is on one, sac it so thatgarg can attack, and before that, they can attack you.
wistful thnking instead of compulsive research, more reliable, otherwise, pretty solid
you could get the reach effect on all creatures with one 2 mana enchantment, but oh well.
what about rewinds, and maybe timestops. try some unblockable suspends as your win condition.
this deck = a very long winded win against counter decks
cranial platings?, just a suggestion
umm not really a potential 4 hour game, but a very annoying deck, also, theres a blue kismet in one of the time spiral blocks
all i need to say is boseiju, get it
take condemn out and put reciprocates in, because the point of fast decks is that u get screwed by life gain, o u shudnt help them stay alive longer, while you dont relly care aout your own life. take white shield crusader out and put in leonin skyguard or something, its way better. i aggree with powerhog above about the mana tithes and the loxodon. Also, the mana on celestial might be too high, how much mana is crovax?