you forgot about devastation tide
why not sit down and rethink your deck, a standard popper soldier deck is probably going to beat this... why the exalted?
favorable winds... nothing else needs to be said there
i would run hunger of the howl pack main decm=k, and swap out wandering wolf with champion of lambholt.
coat of arms man... im telling ya
dude no offense, this is a sad excuse for an elf deck, most standard decks would smash this. here is some tips to help you out1. COAT OF ARMS (noting more needs to be said about that)2. Nissa Revane + Nissa's Chosen3. Heedless one4. Lys Alana Huntmaster5. add black eyeblights ending6. Nath of the gilt-leaf7. overrun8. gravity well9. jagged=scar archers
i like it... since you have so many tokens... intangible virtue wouldnt hurt this at all
maybe, rootborn defenses kind of take care of that issue, although not on here, an idea that was brought to me was tricks of the trade
yea ran it at a local, lost final match
any improvements that could be made would be appricieated
well if you go first, you can win by mill on turn 60 lol or splash black for falkenrath nobles or blood artists
since this is modern, ill just say it... leyline of punishment,+ curse of the pierced heart ( very common combo in modern)
not bad... i would recommend running the sublime archangels main deck though
obviously aqbout 40 cards to big
41-54 of 54 items