Mill ya or kill ya

by placeboplz on 24 November 2007

Main Deck (64 cards)

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Deck Description

I just built this deck would love help or advice on it

Deck Tags

  • Combo

Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 1,348 times.

Mana Curve

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Mill ya or kill ya

any help please

Posted 24 November 2007 at 15:14


Right off the bat see way too man 2 ofs. You want as many cards as possible in fours. If, however, you've built your deck out of only the cards you own, don't worry about it.

Posted 24 November 2007 at 16:51


I can change just dont know what

Posted 24 November 2007 at 17:04


Not too bad, brownie points. I would only change a few things. 1)diabolic edict instead of cruel edict, 2)Maybe side board Belltower Sphynx and/or Szadek, lord of secrets. other than that, i like the deck.

Posted 24 November 2007 at 21:31


I'd go with 4 Haunting Echoes and 4 Avatars because it keeps milling useful even when it's too late to realistically get a mill win.
Drop Curse of the Cabal, it runs counter to a mill strategy. Players will circumvent the Curse by aggressively casting to out run the mill.
Dralnu is a BIG TARGET. He's really only worthwhile in a deck full of counterspells. Save him for a diff deck.
Finally, I'd drop the Raven Guild Master. He needs too much blue mana, is fragile, and will never hit >1 per game.

Posted 25 November 2007 at 00:14


Another easy tip: swap those 2 Fireshriekers for 2 more Whispersilk Cloaks. Or, If you have access try throwing in 2 or 3 Loxodon Warhammers. They make Willl-o-Wisp a killer.

I've recommended In Total: +2 Avatars, +2 Echoes, -2 Raven Master, -2 Dralnu, -2 Fireshriekers.
Gives 2 slots. Probably you should just use them for basic land, and you'll have a deck that'll catch people by surprise.

Posted 25 November 2007 at 00:21


Take a look at my Mill decks that are type 2 except with the Glimpse the unthinkable..... Hypnotic Specter,Shimian Specter,forget Dralnu he's a waste of space in any deck.... dont forget Pherexian Totem the 5/5 artifact that can double as a mana source for 3.......take a look at my blue/black mill deck and you'll find a deck way better than this one and tourny legal except for Glimpse and the double lands... faceless butcher is a good idea as well plus the 1/1 for 2 and stupor.

Posted 25 November 2007 at 03:59


I like your ideas bplus
bcmaledragon no offence I found your mill deck kinda boring all you have is glimpse , traum, and twincast

Posted 25 November 2007 at 06:26


Man, I took another look and you really need 2 more Haunting Echoes.

If you don't believe me on the Raven Masters. Play test the full deck and drop one card every other game or so until you've got the best 60. I doubt they'll still be there. He's not unplayably bad, but you could actually have a pretty decent deck here.

Posted 26 November 2007 at 23:28


I'm no rules expert, but would not Aether Snap kill the creature token from Dark Depths as it comes into play?

I would drop both spells regardless, along with Curse of the Cabal.

Next to accentuate the mana curve drop 1 Traumatize, 1 Guiltfeeder, and 2 TwinCasts. (3/4) of Twincast's good targets cost 5 mana. 5+2 = 7 Pretty darn high. This makes it VERY strong, but only in the late game.

This should get you near 60 and produce a lean mean milling machine.
Good Luck :-)

Posted 26 November 2007 at 23:52


No I play Aether Snap it resolves b4 the token comes into play

Posted 27 November 2007 at 05:59


Bplus who would you put in instead of raven?

Posted 27 November 2007 at 06:05


I would also love to see some of your decks Bplus send me a link

Posted 27 November 2007 at 06:09


I wish I knew a more elegant way to send links, but here goes.

Just end the URL with the number listed

The Enchanters 6317
Madness 6321
LA Riot 4902

I've got a few more, but these represent the decks I find the most fun.

Posted 27 November 2007 at 15:33


Just drop the Raven to cut the deck closer to 60.

Posted 07 December 2007 at 05:08


Just end the MTGVault URL with the number listed

I'll list the easiest to understand and/or play well from 1 - 9
I'll list my favorites to play (i.e. most fun) A - I

1; H. Heather Green 6324
2; I. Heather Red 6320
3; A. The Enchanters 6317
4; D. Teflon Don 6326 (plays just like The Enchanters)
5; E. Sliver and Onions 6322
6; C. LA Riot 4902
7; B. Red Madness 6321
8; G. Flash Gordon 3989
9; F. Bumstorm 6318

Posted 07 December 2007 at 05:10
