No hedron crabs. glimpse the unthinkable, or mind funeral? You could easily drop Dream twist, mind scult, and Mind grind for more mana efficient mill cards
What are you trying to accomplish with this deck? And what are you counting on for win conditions? From the looks of it yours running Boros with a lot of removal. In my personal opinion from what you have, i would try and build an aggro deck with cards like Purphorous and Battledriver, in conjunction with Assemble the legion. If that is the route you're planning on taking i would remove sphere of safety, auramancer, Blind obedience, Arrest, and molten birth. Adding in a second Elspeth, 4 purphorous, 3-4 precinct captains, 4 rackdos cacklers, and removal spells like shock, magma spray, lightning strike. It will give you a little more early game control with precincts (with tokens) cacklers on turn 1, and once purphorous and elspeth/assemble the legion comes onto the field it will be good game.
Personally i like Mutavault in most aggro decks, especially decks running Pack rat. With all the Main board control im running the extra 2/2 for 1 mana seems like an easy in to hit the opponent. Is it completely necessary? No, but its always a blocker/attacker at a moments notice that buffs my main damage dealer.
Need some constructive criticism on this deck please.
Easy to understand vintage infect. Works well in casual play if you want to annoy your friends.
U/B vintage/casual play chaos format mill.
I'm making this deck for casual means to play with friends, as always im thankful for suggestions.