why the thickets? i only see two colors? also, this deck lacks hardcore focus. it's trying to be aggro, control, ect all at once. it would be better for you to pick a direction and try to focus on that. what dicection would you like to go? i can help you more once you decide that =]
it's even worse if they can get off voltaic key +time vault on first turn....I know cause I've done it XD. (seat of synod, sol ring, lotus petal, mox diamond ) I doubt It'll happen again for a very long time, but like I said, it COULD be worse :P Anyway, I like your deck, It's alot friendlier than some of the nonsense I play against, I don't see a first turn win mechanism =]. orim's chant is nice too, maybe as a replacement to silence or even in addition if you really want=].
tectonic edge is an uncommon from worldwake that allows you to destroy nonbasic lands so long as your opponent has at leaest for land. It's great against other control and valakut(where nonbasic lands is often how they win the game). fetch lands are almost always good...it allows you to pull land out of your deck without needing green. Just because they give you the option to pull out other types of basic land doesn't mean you have to. Why do you want to pull out the land from your deck? well becuase during late game, i'm sure you know how frustrating it can be to really need that doomblade, or that into the roil or whatever your looking for...only to draw a land. fetches prevent that from happening because when you play a fetch land it reduces the land count in your deck, therefore increasing the % of you drawing a nonland card. I don't have the mathmatical proof(becuase I'm too lazy to look it up, but the logic is there :P ) of course if you dont' want to spend $80 on land just to increase your deck's averages, than I can't blame ya =]
why not use fetch lands? misty rainforests and scalding tarns(4 of each). I'd go 4 traumatize, 4 keening stones, 4 archive traps. You really want to hit them for mill alot in one go, not whittle them over time, unless you're playing prison. everythign else should be control. counterspells, into the roils, ect... preordain > augury owl, I'd also add tectonic edges. hope this helps=]
it's 3 W and 15L so far :P...So clearly it has a ways to go. =]
I played the stright white version of this deck, I found it wasn't very consistant, but when it was...oh man. I had a deck thrown at me =]. If you want consistancy, you might want to look towards the future(knight tribal?) I've been playtesting the knight tribal deck in my area and it's pretty decent. Not the same idea with what you're going for, but still white :P... I'd drop a sword of body and mind in favor of a sword of vengence as trample can win you many games... also, why ajani over journey? journey eliminates a blocker so you can feel free to keep blasting away at their lands and swing in for lots of early damage. ajani seems kinda built for a late game, last ditch effort but maybe I'm wrong. How're you using him?
This dosen't strike me as a control deck... in MY mind(so you can obviously think differently ;) ) a monoblue control in standard should be running AT LEAST 12 counters. 4 leaks, 4 cancel, 4 stoic. you could add deprives or spellpeirces to the board if you'd like... the vats and the wurmcoils seems like a better win condition than the grindclocks ^.^ I have never seen a grindclock mill someone. I've seen jace do it(as a secondary win condition), but never a grindclock. I'd suggesting adding into the roils(fantastic bouce), another perordain, and perhaps some halimir depths as well... what if your primary win condition was damage? hellkites and wurmcoils(with a vat for backup) seem pretty solid to me. Also why not throw in some voalition reins to steal your opponents goodies? ...See, when I think of control I think of delaying the game until you have all of your peices together and then play your finishes for a decisive finishing blow. It seems more like you're trying to delay your opponent until you can get grindclock to work, and I have never(I repeat never) seen grindclock win a game. If you want mill, go u/b control mill and run=4 archive traps, 4 traumatize, 4 haunting echoes, 2-3 keening stones. or heck, just stay blue and don't use the haunting echoes, your call...=] hopefully this helps :P
win condition(s): stifle+phyrexian dreadnaught. 12/12 trample for 2 mana... tinker+darksteel colossus=11/11 trample indescructable for 3 mana(played from my library) voltaic key+time vault=infiante turns, usually my opponent will just concede at that point I win by attacking with the big boys, i've actually hardcasted the darksteel...once, but yea at the end of the day it's as stright forward as "attack with big creatures". would you care to be more specific? =]
I am only missing a few. I am missing the tolarian academy, 2 forces, and(most painfully for my wallet), the time vault. A good friend let me borrow his when he isn't using it.
chieftan isn't really here to give the goblins haste, it is to give them +1/+1. he himself has haste and it gives me something relativly fast that adds punch to my existing cards. I can only have 4 bushwhackers...so I threw in some chieftans. They attract alot of hate as well, and I havn't regretted them once. what other landfall creature would you suggest to take it's place? discard engine?...please explain=]
I am going to assume this is type II =]...that being said: A) condier your land base, where are the nonbasics? celestial colonede, seachrome coasts, glacial fortress, tectonic edge...those are some good lands. I believe there is another land in worldwake that turns into an artifact as well B) are you aiming for control of beatdown? once you have settled on your path, take it from there. it SEEMS pretty heavy beatdown, but I'm just asking to make sure. C) other than counterspells, where's your removal? journey to nowhere is a fantasic white removal spell. brittle effegies are great as well, great for the sideboard. D) the artifacts themselves... consider adding some heavy mythic awesomeness...molten-tail masticore is raw power, wurmcoil engine is the everyman's titan, mox opal speed you up almsot a whole turn! where are these guys? I'd at LEAST throw the wurmcoils in there, they're just SOO goodXD. if you can't afford those, why not add darksteel juggernaut? E) other stuffs: voltaic key=abuse...remember that=] key untaps overseer, untaps everflowing chalice to add MORE mana to your pool, untaps a creature and gives you a blocker you didn't have before. F) card acceleration: adding in jaces and preordains it a pretty good way to beef up your card draw to give you more options per turn. hopefully this helps...=]
I would consider adding 4 force of wills...it's essentially a free counterspell, no need tap mana! =]