Hi, THX for the feedback. I slightly changed the decklist. Getting Delirium is still an issue. (I tested the new list in yesterday's tournament and I mostly won the game without delirium.) I added artifact creatures and sorceries but it is not enough. Maybe 4th FOMO could help.I am not sure I want 4 Sagas. I prefer to be as fast as possible - that is speeded up by Break Out and at least 22 creatures. Sagas with artifacts slow me down. Wildfire Wickerfolk won me a few games thanks to the speed.
Chain can hurt you. Opponent can return things like Ensnaring Bridge, or Chill...
Alpine Moon is a specific counter to Tron. (Maybe wasteland.) Plus you really wanna play the Chalice of the Void with ONE counter.The Blood Sun is a key piece against wasteland and fetches. AND you can play additional lands with the city of traitors! :) (The additional draw is awesome.)You want to "lock" yourself because you do not want to sacrifice the city of traitors nor lose life thanks to the ancient tomb. (So the Moon is basically an unlock to a late game for you.)---I played this weekend in a tournament with over 700 people and this build sucks these days. (I did not play legacy last year or two.) A lot of decks have Force of Vigor in the sideboard, and a lot of decks have things like "islandycling (1)" or "swampcycling (1)" so it is really easy for them to find the key basic lands.
And Goblin Settler? Great with Kiki-Jiki!Impatience also seems to be good pick here.
I slightly changed it & speed it up: https://www.mtgvault.com/pilniczek/decks/pioneer-prowess/ (see the combo with Runaway Steam-Kin).
I like this idea, but this deck looks too slow. :/ Rosheen Meanderer is an expensive card. You need to play something more interesting in turn 4, it is too late to start accelerate. On the other hand, the boost is great... Still not sure about it.Why both 4xBanefire and 4xDevil's Play? the "X" damage is fine, but you need something to the start. I'd play 2 of each. You do not want to kill Deathrite Shaman or Monastery Swiftspear with 3 mana. You want to stop them as soon as possible with big-enough hydra.I'd try to add some of these cards to make the deck faster:Sakura-Tribe ElderBirds of Paradise / Llanowar Elves / Elvish MysticArbor Elf + Utopia SprawlWhisperer of the WildsKodoma's ReachSearch for Tomorrow(I hope these are enough for budget deck.)
Vexing Devil does not provide the final kill you often need.Elemental sounds interesting!
Too much expensive spells... (Two or more is expensive in burn.)
Yeah, I can feel how awesome is to kill your opponent by Sign in Blood. :D
What about...+ 4 Goblin Guide+ 4 Skewer the Critics+ 3-4 Light Up the Stage+ 0-2 Shard Volley- 2x Risk Factor (costs too much)- 4x Runaway Steamkin (slow)- 4x Sign in Blood (BB seems as an issue fro me... and you won't need 4 Blood Crypts)It seems more efficient to me.And Dismember? At least in sideboard?
Mentioned lands bring you a tapped land. And you need to search for untapped land. You can not decrease your speed!Chandra's Spitfire: You need to deal 20 or more damage as fast as you can. If I cast this card in 3rd turn, It means I can not deal 6-9 damage that turn. And it can kill your oponent.Electrostatic Field: Defender card - it does not increase the pressure. It is a slow card. The ability - 1 damage means slowness. I need to cast 6 other spells to make this card as effective as a bolt.
Thank you.The Vexing Devil - I played it few times. It's fine card. But we have much more better cards... In case you need to kill your oponent with the card you are going to draw, Vexing Devil is useless. :( (The power of burn should be: "you'll die regardless what I draw".) Yeh, you can say that each creature does not serve this rule. (I agree, the best burn would be without creatures, but we do not have enough bolts as I explained earlier.) But they have haste which can be enough. (Creatures are the best in opening hands - then they have biggest damage output. Vexing is better than bolt in this case. But it is not a guaranteed situation. That's why I am not using it now.)
OK, I just imagined deck with as much bolt-like cards we have - not only lightning bolts (because of legality)...And you need more mana because of sideboard - in my version and in your 44-bolt version too. :)Making puzzles with cards like Manamorphose / Street Wraith could increase vulnerability
I think we still do not have that many bolts. And some bolts need "something extra" - to sacrifice a creature/land, discard a card, use madness, control a wizard - hard conditions.Should we count a Spark elemental as bolt? I am not sure.Maybe Delver of Secrets can be another good "count as bolt" creature...You can use some boost for creatures, such as Reckless Charge - but it also is not a bolt. :(Another issue is mana base - you really want 3 lands in turn three. With a total of 16 mana? I do not think it will be consistent. That's why you need more lands and use fetch lands.You can try a multi-colored Burn. You'll get Bump in the night. It IS a bolt, but the only non-red I know.The "true bolt" list:Lava SpikeRift BoltSkewer the CriticsLightning boltBump in the nightWe have Chain lightning in Legacy, but... we know.---I am also thinking of the Seal of Fire. It's one of my best techs in Commander, but I never played it elsewhere.You do not want more than 8 spells for 2 mana - they are too slow and inefficient. But Skullcrack seems to be a good tech too.You can use Manamorphose to "reduce" cards in the deck to 56 (or less if there are similar cards, maybe Street Wraith). It will increase your chances to draw a bolt.
Still thinking of some changes:MAIN+ 1 Munition Expert+ 1 Goblin Chieftain+ 1 Sling-Gang Lieutenant- 1 Goblin Chainwhirler- 1 Skirk Prospector- 1 Chalice of the VoidSIDEBOARD+ 1 Relic of Progenitus+ 1 Dragon's Claw or get rid of all Dragon's Claws- 1 Blood Moon- 1 Munition ExpertAnd/or something to deal with UWx controls playing Battersculs/Swords/Jitte... No idea now.