To slow you shold put mor 1 or 2 mana creatures or stop damage cards.
I have False Cure and you are right it would be bad. There are cards that can be bad for enny deck so I don't werry about it. It has a bit of control. You don't like life gain/burn decks Claws?
My zombie combo deck is deferent then your deck. Your deck is a ATK ATK untill your aponit has nothing my deck will combo to git red of my aponit and kill them I can all so take out mor players then your deck can. But it is a good deck that you have.
The alarm is in for the combo. I wold tack out the carrier for festering goblin so you don't kill your self. And put in mor husk in and put in 4 phyrexian gouls make it mor like lee you will get one.
The cranial plating I don't need it I don't ATK so having it in takes up speas in the deck I can pout in cards for the combos.
Very good deck. And about my deck the disciple it works will. The golem I don't nead it for the combos and it can git in the wey. The only thing I don't like about the disciple I can't git it back after it is in the grave.
The deck is that a weenie.
Thes is a beatdown deck life is not that inportaned. And taunting elves is a good card I'd tack out the champion.
not bad
If you like this deak you shod look at my zombie combo deak
I'm not a fan of Elvish Promenade but it pouts out elves and the mor elves in play the better.
My zombie combo will beet this
Missing land mabe.
I have a simuler deck but i have drift of phantasms in it i us burn spells in it.
that is a good deck.
i like it.
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