Why Illusionist's Bracers? Your creatures do not have any activated abilities. Try Strionic Resonator to copy the triggered abilities.
How about an Armada Wurm? Fits into your curve and creates the most perfect target to populate!
4 Gavony Townships will get you in Trouble casting either Champion of Lambholt or Silverblade-Paladin on Turn 3, which is essential for the damage-race you will have to win with this deck. I would drop at least 2 Townships, possibly even 3 because you will probably need all your mana from Turn 5 on to build up your Board again after being hit by some Massremoval. Also you really need Temple Garden (if this isnt a Budget Deck).
Huntmaster wouldn't be useful anyway, so keep the money you would spend on it. It is a powerful card, but meant to flip as often as possible, while werewolve-decks try to flip the creatures into werewolves and then keep them in that state with immerwolf. Though its no werewolve, you might consider Young Wolf, it is a powerful one-mana card, does not rely on flipping and would still get the bonus from Mayor of Avabruck's Flipside Howlpack Alpha.
Back to Basics + 4 times Hinterland Harbor?