Lim-dul's Vault- you can basically go through your entire deck for about 10 life, which is a great trade
Delver of secrets doesn't belong in a control deck
That's what legacy ANT is, it just splashes for past in flames
This deck is a very old version- check out my profile for an U/B version or an updated version of this
what if your opponent isn't playing any draw spells? notion thief is kinda useless unless you draw some spells that make both players draw.
Take out Crusade and it's not as terrible in Modern as it is in Legacy. Honor of the Pure is a lot better anyways.
Fuck you! Just cause you're afraid to spend money doesn't mean everyone else should play budget decks.
You fucktard, I don't buy every deck I brew on here. Do you? I just use this site as a tool to help me think of ideas and tweak old ones.About money- I never sad you can't have fun with your $20 kitchen table budget deck. I said you can't expect to take a deck that is *strictly subpar* to a tournament and expect to do well with it. Sure, you have to invest- but it's like that with every game. Once everyone accepts that you do have to spend some money to compete, then it's all skill.
...You're an idiot, Jessie.Good cards are good cards, of course they're going to help you win. Fortunately, since everyone who wants to win invests about the same amount of money (thus an equal playing field) it boils down to skill.
Except you really can't expect to win any games at all when your deck is strictly worse than every other deck.
goblin guide and eidolon
You can't play a budget deck and expect to do well with it. Those should be limited to the kitchen table.
It's not for thinning, it's for having all of your colors. I drew several opening hands with the older deck and found myself with several Lightning Helix/Boros Charms in hand with only mountains.
....You're wrong. In every multicolor deck in every format, people run more than 4 fetches.
It's because with only 4 fetches it's very easy for you to only have red mana in your early turns. It also enables Landfall on your opponent's turn for Searing Blaze, which is extremely important.
You need more fetches
Useless post.
shoop doop woop doop satan norway
Why do you need food chain? How is this better than regular goblins?
Hey, Northy- Can you brew me up a budget-friendly version of Lovisa Coldeyes EDH? I'm terrible at the format, but she looks fun. :3
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