Yeah, Locket and Ascension work really well together. Past in Flames makes all cards that were discarded with Faithless and Lore playable again, so really they are doing great things no matter what you keep in hand. It cycles really, really fast. In fact, with Reforge in mind a Laboratory Maniac isn't a terrible idea if you wanted to splash in blue. Reforge the Soul IS only good for the miracle, however... Seeing how a 5 cost does make the storm harder to pull together. What would you consider replacing it with?
Thanks for reminding me about exarch. Forgot all about that. I have been thinking about thragtusk for a while... I'll just go ahead and try it out. Why not? It does wreck, and all.
It's for blade splicer, I believe, and is really effective for that, but I can see your point as far as using it as a combat trick.
I ran Corpsejack in my standard "BUG Evolve Midrange" with Master Biomancer... And it was broken goodness.
I would never drop corpsejack from any deck that involves scavenge or evolve in a golgari color scheme, but that's just me.
Valid points. ; )Price always keeps me from so much fun things. : /
The point of Varolz is that you don't really need to have a TON of scavenge creatures in your deck for it to roll right...I would like to say that I would like to see at least three Varolz in the deck... I would take out goliath for something else. Not sure what, though, but something else... Maybe desecration demon? +6/+6 for 4 seems really good... And he's an amazing beat stick while down and alive. And Recluse seems like a good card against flying, but I'm not sure I would mainboard it... I guess it is still good as a deathtouch removal, and an evolve card on Exp One, but it just seems dirty looking... idk, like there's something else that could be there as a better spot.Your lack of Deathrite Shaman disturbs me... At least drop them in the sideboard? They do SOO MUCH WORK.
Even if you do, then more than likely FoS, and sometimes Death's, will just drop right back into the graveyard when you play them. Or worst case you have a 1/1 for one black mana? Chump block... Let it die... Do it again?
Ideas for the sidebaord... Putrefy and Abrupt Decay? Just a thought.
This is pretty much the exact deck I ran at FNM that made me fall in love with Simic to begin with... Minus the avenger. I ran two Biomancer's in that spot instead.Still super solid. Great job.
Brutal, bro.
Btw you have this listed as a mono-white deck, when it's white-green. Just saying. : P
Grand Architect can play superions, if you don't have heartless out... Just saying...
I second this notion.
I second this motion. Especially with a heartless out.
Ok, yes. I get it now. lol. Thanks... Fantastic deck list btw. I've been trying to design something similiar with White/Black... I Love Elesh Norn, but I think this list might be a tad bit better than the one I was designing. Much kudos, sir.
Brimstone valley makes sense, yes. Absolutely... But if you tap the three for the priest, then you have only three left. Next step those extra three drain out, so the wurmcoil idea doesn't make sense to me. You still wouldn't be able to pull a turn three coil. At least not the way I see it... I'm probably missing something important, but I don't see it.
What's the purpose of Priest of Urabrask in this? Won't he automatically die with Heartless out? I thought the mana pool drained after each step of your turn...
Axe Spellbook for Venser's journal. Costs more, but well worth the added effect.
Venser's Journal... For reliquary tower. Add another land in that's a dual, but Venser's Journal is amazing in a draw deck.
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