Things to consider:
Tutor what you need, don't go searching for a specific combo or it will usually be shutdown. If you need draw, get draw, if you need mana, get mana, if you need whatever it is in your graveyard, go for it. For example, the sole reason Jarad's Orders is there is for you to put Genesis in your graveyard and get you a nice creature like Eternal Witness, whatever they took out from your combo, get it back! Every turn if necessary. You can play like this with your graveyard going for a Solemn Simulacrum, that will give you a land and an extra draw and a blocker each turn for just 7 mana, do it as many times as you need. That way you won't draw hate on you, and you build your move and mana base for it.
This deck is explosive, you can appear to be fine and controlled one turn, and on the next you ramp like hell. Removed Psychotropic Thalid cause it was too slow, Phyrexian Arena is awesome, but slow for this deck. Added Privileged Position for board protection, usually if it is on the board and you have the combo in your hand you have already won, also added Mirari's Wake for more explosiveness, the more mana you have, the more shenanigans you can pull off. Some may argue Mirari's Wake messes with your skullclamp draw, but actually it is just better, usually takes 2 mana 1 for token 1 for equip, with it takes 3 mana, 1 for token, 1 for equip, 1 for sac, thing is, with this method you are returning the counter to Ghave, and its 1 more mana, but lands gives you double, so it's a nice trade IMO.
Mimic Vat! Amazing card in this format! You run targeted removal and destruction, not a lot, but more that enough, USE IT! Sometimes your enemy has the card that will win this game! Take it down and clone it each turn, or sac your own Acidic Slime or Woodfall Primus for a destruction Extravaganza.
Given enough mana on Ghave or a soft combo, you can wipe the board of all artifacts and ecnhanments you like with Aura Shards. Your utility enchantments like Fecundity and Grave Pact means that for 2 colorless mana, you destroy artifact/enchantment, draw a card, and make opponents sac a creature, 2 more mana, do it again. Do it for as long you can or it will be too late later, you will draw hate anyway, but at least you will be on a better position to deal with it. If you have the choice of doing a soft combo on your turn or playing a spell, always try to use your mana squeezing every last drop of that combo, opponents will shut it down soon enough, then you play your next spells.
Don't be afraid to loose creatures, and ALWAYS sacrifice them if you can instead of letting them be killed. As a rule, it is better if it is in your graveyard than removed from the game. Even if it costs you mana, do it, sacrifice it yourself so you can maybe get it back later (and trigger a few things on the way). Tokens are there for a reason, Ghave's versatility is all you need. You need a blocker, pay 1, block, pay 1 again and sac it again for the counter. For 2 mana you get free blockers, exploit that.
Elspeth is there for all her abilities, but there is one specific reason to be wary off. If you have Doubling Season, you play Elspeth, and short of countering her, you will have indestructible permanent the rest of the game. Targeted enchantment removal is lacky on the fomat, and you have tons of enchantments, they usually can't deal with all, so they will waste the removal on the ones that draw hate (ie. Grave Pact, Aura Shards) or the ones they have to (ie. Privileged Position), or the ones that seem powerful (ie. Doubling Season, Earthcraft), none of them are instant win conditions, so it is better to let them deal with them.
Sac Outlets, ALWAYS HAVE ONE! Ghave is your most reliable Sac outlet, he is your commander, use it often, relies on a single colorelss mana, its awesome, Attrition works too, but runs on black, and once you run out if targets... You have both Ashnod's Altar, Phyrexian Altar and Blasting Station, all are awesome! If you find yourself needing more, add some like Viscera Seer, Carrion Feeder, Nantuko Husk, free Sac Engines are always better. You can always Mortify/Putrefy your Woodfall Primus if needed too (ie. Land hate, Gaea's Craddle, Academy Ruins, etc...). Hex Parasite is there to make your Persist dudes live longer if there is no Cathar's Crusade, Ghave, Melira, Juniper Order Rangers, etc... Pay with life if needed too, paying 10 life for destroying 10 lands with the Primus is worth it EVERY time.
You have NO way of dealing with Sigarda, and you will find you have no way of dealing with lots of other things, in those cases, DON'T even try, ignore them and go for the win, that's the reason you are playing combo right? You can always do lethal damage with your Primordial Hydra, believe me, when your resources are out, your opponents remotion is low, 2 or 3 turns of the Hydra with a Corpsejack Menace/Doubling Season in game is frightening, specially if you played the Hydra for at least 4 -> 12 -> 36 -> 108 with Trample.
Here is the combo list:
Sac Outlet = SO = Card that lets you sacrifice creatures, it is better if it has no cost and benefits you at the same time. Ashnod's Altar, Phyrexian Altar, Blasting Station, etc...
*COMBOS* (Infinite on a free sac outlet or soft combos on other ones)
Melira/Juniper Order Rangers/Cathar's Crussade + Sac Outlet +
Kitchen Finks = Life, Life, Life
Pupeteer Clique = Bring creatures from opponents graveyards
Woodfall Primus = Destroy non-creature permanent GG
With the above you can switch to:
Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle, and the combo works like expected.
Mikaeus + Triskellion + SO = Direct Damage, win!
Ghave + Cathar's Crusade + Ashnod's Altar = Infinite Colorless Mana
Ghave + Ashnod's Altar + Doubling Season/Cathar's Crusade/Dath's Presence = Infinite Mana, Tokens, Counters
Ghave + Phyrexian Altar/Ashnod's Altar + Geralf's Messenger = Infinite Life Loss (insta win)
Ghave + Cathar's Crusade + Devoted Druid/Earthcraft = Infinite tokens
ADD Death's Presence for infinite counters
***If Blasting Station is used as Sac Outlet this combos also do infinite damage. (insta win)
Cheapest/Fastest win condition, Melira+Kitchen Finks+Blasting Station. Can do as fast as turn 3. Even without one of them if tutoring.
Fecundity with any Sac combo = Free Draw, Abuse it
Skullclamp with any Sac Combo = Godlike Draw, abuse it even more.
Grave Pact with any Sac Combo = Free kills on the board, Abuse it.
Aura Shards with any Sac Combo = Destroy every artifact or enchantment your opponents have.