Crippling Blight may help with getting those assassin tokens to hit.
Good ideas, thanks for the feedback!
I didn't build this deck.. it was played by Lauren Nolan at a recent Starcitygames invitational. It came in 3rd place. I would imagine the main reason for the keyrune is to pop up and block with a 3/1 first strike.
Not sure if this'll work out.. Need some help again I think
Re-"vamp"ed this.. lol
Heeded ur advice.. Thank you.
I took your advice on Pulse Tracker instead of Quag Vampires.. PT is much better than QV. I put more Kalastria Highborn in place of Guul Draz.. As for direct damage I wanted to keep more of the vampire theme to this deck. I didn't set out to make this an aggro deck just a vampire themed creature-based deck. If it turns into a vampire themed aggro deck I wouldn't be mad :)
Are there any other red/black one drop counters I can use in place of some higher mana cost creatures?
Took out a few high mana cost creatures and put in 6 more one drops to help defend early.. also count towards Creature - Vampire type.
I have the Arctic Flats in there just to keep the cost down. You can obviously use Sunpetal Grove and/or Razorverge Thicket instead.
You were a huge inspiration for this deck. I really liked the idea but wanted to incorporate a little more into it (mainly Cathars' & Increasing Devotion) I def. owe you a thanks and I liked your deck.