Yeah, I was looking to thin the herd a little bit, do you have any suggestions? I feel like I'm running a fairly good package of tutors and draw spells.
Took out Night Dealings, what was I thinking, added Mind's Eye in its place.
So, with the Knight, that's not an emblem huh? Just simply a new overriding rule?
Do you really use a sideboard that huge or us that more of a "maybeboard"?
I have been using Hoard Smelter Dragon in my Kaalia for awhile, he us always so very clutch. Only see him in about 20% of decks, but he us really worth a look.
How do those Elspeths fit in, they seem to lack synergy with the other scheme of the deck?
Thanks for the advice. I took it to heart and added Ambition's Cost, Ancient Craving and Night Dealings!
Ugh, that's unfortunate (but understandable). Will take care of.
Oh dang, thank you. Will take care of.