
98 Decks, 53 Comments, 15 Reputation

I like where you've gone with this, but I think you're limiting your options too much by not running all instants/sorceries that target creatures, specifically your creatures. Also, Lagonna-Band Trailblazer is a boss, and should really be in here IMO. Sure, you can't attack with her on 1, but if you can trigger heroic once or twice on turn two, then she's gonna get the dmg through, and with a big butt that starts at 4 toughness, she turns into a beast really quickly. I run a GW Heroic deck in Modern and I can't tell you how many times I've won with a single Lagonna-Band on the board.

I would sideboard the Mass Calcify (also maybe add Journey to Nowhere in the sideboard too), and switch out Brave the Elements for Feat of Resistance, and switch out Raise the Alarm for something like Ajani's Presence or Apostle's Blessing. Also, if you want to include some more enchantments, like Indestructibility, or Spirit Mantle, which are great in Heroic, you might also consider Hero of Iroas... also, why isn't Favored Hoplite in here? Just some thoughts, ultimately, it's your thing... do whatcha wanna do. :D

Posted 24 December 2017 at 00:48 as a comment on Mono White Heroic


Maybe I'm just unfamiliar with the mechanics of this deck, but how would Metamorph/Relic-Warder combo for infinite life gain with the Sisters? I get that if you copied a sister with the Metamorph, then you would get the life gain ability, but how does the Relic-Warder fit in? Are you exiling your own Metamorph? I don't see an infinite combo there... unless you're copying the Relic-Warder?... but even that doesn't make sense because you'd still have to blink/exile the one on the battlefield somehow... maybe with Cloudshift? I'm sure you've thought out your deck thoroughly... I'm mainly just curious to understand how/if that works.

Posted 24 December 2017 at 00:29 as a comment on Soul Sisters


Also, I think Forked Bolt might be a better option than Magma Jet, that is, unless you really love the Scry, which i totally get, but the split removal of Forked Bolt is pretty sweet, and the CMC is cheaper. I used to run Magma Jet in a deck I created around Flamespeaker Adept (who is in the art of Magma Jet BTW), but that was only because the Scry did something extra for me. I totally get how Scry can be a game changer in Izzet colors, but it's just something to think about. I'm probably gonna make this deck soon myself, mainly cause I have almost all of the pieces already. Cheers!

Posted 22 December 2017 at 20:40 in reply to #609466 on bouncing burn


Oh yeah, BTW, I've found that 1 of Reiterate (in conjunction with Reverberate) is also a pretty sweet deal. The buyback is pretty nice late game. +1 on the deck as it currently stands! :D Also, what does your sideboard look like for this deck?

Posted 22 December 2017 at 10:13 in reply to #609466 on bouncing burn


What would you switch it out for, if you don't mind my asking? :) I'm inclined to choose Opt, there I would... Opt Out!

Posted 18 December 2017 at 00:33 in reply to #609895 on Izzet Horrors


Cheers mate! Great suggestions. I was aware of Alpha Authority, but for some reason I've never heard of Canopy Cover, which is a card I've been looking for for a while, but never comes up in my Gatherer searches because I was only searching for Hexproof. You're absolutely right about the blue additions, and Hero of Iroas really should be in here if the deck is focused on enchantments/heroics. Thanks again!

Posted 16 December 2017 at 20:22 in reply to #609845 on Selesnyan Heroic Enchantments


28 Enchantments, 12 Creatures... do you find that it was/is difficult to have a creature to throw those enchantments on? I run a similar deck in modern, and even at 16 creatures I find that I'm sometimes sitting there with no creature to cast all my lovely enchantments on.

Also, do you find that Spritidancer gets removed a lot? I've considered adjusting my current deck to include her, but the fact that she doesn't have hexproof troubles me, because that's one of the biggest strengths of a Bogles deck IMO. Cheers mate! :)

Posted 16 December 2017 at 01:45 as a comment on G/W Bogles


Ahhh... I see... reduce the Batterskull casting cost to 1W, that's pretty busted. :D

Posted 14 December 2017 at 22:09 in reply to #609774 on Bant Bogle Artifacts


Do you mean Stoneforge Acolyte or Stoneforge Mystic...?

Posted 14 December 2017 at 11:11 in reply to #609774 on Bant Bogle Artifacts


Etched Champion is a great creature, but who to switch out for him... I'm gonna go with cutting the Gladecover Scout for now, even though she's a great 1 drop.

Posted 14 December 2017 at 10:37 in reply to #609770 on Bant Bogle Artifacts


These are all great suggestions, as usual. This deck is essentially my Modern Bant Bogle Enchantments deck, just with artifacts instead. I can wreck with that deck in modern, but I currently call this Legacy, because I added Stoneforge. Without Stoneforge, it would still be Modern Legal. Artifact hate is almost always in a Modern sideboard, but since this deck relies on so many Artifacts, it has honestly done well in my local meta, but it is definitely slower. The sideboard, once it gets included in game 2 and beyond is usually still not enough to wreck my game plan.

I think I need to treat the Stoneforge Mystic the way I would treat a Snapcaster, s/he will do her job and most likely die in the process. Also, keep in mind, when game 2 comes around, I know there's gonna be some artifact hate coming in, which is when I switch back to enchantments, which are in my sideboard.

Definitely gonna cut the boots, even though they add some haste to the deck. Also, Bonesaw was on my original list, but maybe it should come back... I might be trying to swing a bit too wide here with the Inquisitor's Flail.

Posted 14 December 2017 at 09:26 in reply to #609770 on Bant Bogle Artifacts


Kira would only target the fragile illusions like Phantasmal Dragon, which explicitly state, "When (fragile illusion) becomes the target of a spell or ability, sacrifice it." Mainly, I would only use Kira to protect the Lord of the Unreal, but I also run enough illusions without the fragility that she could target as well.

Also, Kira's a flyer, which means if I run Favorable Winds in the deck, along with Lord of the Unreal, she would get +2/+2 if all 3 were on the board. I've also recently discovered that Favorable Winds does not explicitly target creatures, so even the fragile one can still glean the +1/+1 buff as well.

Lightning Boots could also work, or Swiftfoot Boots. Cheer mate!

Posted 14 December 2017 at 02:32 in reply to #609685 on Modern Esper Spirits


After searching a bit more for Artifacts with enters the graveyard triggers I found Chromatic Star, Flight Spellbomb, Implement of Combustion, Terrarion, and a host of others that could work well... Thanks for poking a hole in my current plan and forcing me to find other options!

Posted 14 December 2017 at 02:22 in reply to #609682 on Izzet Ensoul


I love Slip Through Space, especially in conjunction with Expedite. As an Izzet player, when those two cards came out together I was very pleased. Inaction Injunction is always a card I forget about... only 'cause I only have 1 in my collection, but it's a great option over Pressure Point, though it changes my colors a bit. Once again, thanks! :D

Posted 14 December 2017 at 02:13 in reply to #609687 on Izzet Ensoul


Holy crap! Kira, Great Glass-Spinner is awesome! I'm so glad to have met this card! I wish there was an Illusion like this as well for my Mono Blue Illusions deck! I have Drogskol Reaver (only one) in my collection. Would you consider him only a one of, since his CMC is so high? Thanks again Muktol! Greeting to you as well good sir. :D

Posted 12 December 2017 at 19:15 in reply to #609685 on Modern Esper Spirits


Yeah, Rattlechains is on my radar, but I missed Mausoleum Wanderer, which is a great option. I've also considered using Selfless Spirit as well. Thanks for the input! Cheers! :D

Posted 12 December 2017 at 19:10 in reply to #609695 on Modern Esper Spirits


I like the Copy Enchantment idea, because it allow me to have 8 Ensoul Artifact. Great suggestion! Something like Hero of Iroas could also reduce the cost of Copy Enchantment back to the original cost of Ensoul. I also Ensoul Darksteel Citadel as well. Also the combination of Pressure Point and Refocus can be huge as it can net 1 or 2 more cards you need, stall a threat, and/or untap a blocker. Thanks for the suggestions! Cheers!

Posted 12 December 2017 at 18:54 in reply to #609687 on Izzet Ensoul


Hmmm... interesting. The only other cheap artifact I can find that has an enters the graveyard ability is Implement of Ferocity. I considered putting Tormod's Crypt in this deck at one point strictly for the 0 cost.

Posted 12 December 2017 at 08:18 in reply to #609682 on Izzet Ensoul


Thank you for clarifying that, I didn't realize.

Posted 12 December 2017 at 08:14 in reply to #609681 on Izzet Ensoul


This intrigues me. I'm working on building something similar, but currently the deck is at 100 cards. Have you playtested this yet? Is it consistent enough to win games? Do you only play this casually? Do you play this in Legacy tourneys, since Thopter Squadron is illegal in Modern?

Posted 11 December 2017 at 19:55 as a comment on Thopter Production


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