this deck was made way before Mirroden set was ever out :P. I'm an old school player heh. I added counterbore and Familiar's Ruse to it recently same with sensei's Divining Top otherwise everything else is the same.
Also since it seems you love control decks I just uploaded my Ultimate No (counter duh! :P) Deck. Yay for free counters!!! hehe
or nvm seems your still editing it :P DUH! >_> oops... thought it had 60 cards already in it xD my bad!
only thing i can say about this one is i don't like the only 2 land x.x.. you seem your gonna be mana screwed for most if not all hand draws =/.
Love how this one says it was uploaded on the 16th ^.~ where is MTGVaults servers at! lol.
oh and add my for fun deck onto your long list of comment please ;D <3
i would say Vampiric tutor but that is just me. You already have demonic tutor, and vampiric i just honestly don't like >>.. i like keeping my 2 life hehe. Otherwise all the other spells are mostly destroy or get land faster so to me that is the only viable option. if i had to give a second option i'd say Hallowed Burial, cause to me that will probably hurt you worse then them since it kills off all of your tokens as well.
if you want to make a sliver deck here is an auto win combo to keep in mind. Sliver Queen + Ashnods Altar (sp) + Heartstone . That alone is unlimited sliver tokens. But the auto win combo on top of that that makes it just OMG WTF JUST HAPPENED TO ME!!?!?!?!?!?!? is Acidic Sliver and or Darkheart sliver. Acidic is sac a sliver do 2 dmg to target creature or player, and Darkheart is Sac a sliver gain 2 life.
yes o-o. 5 of each one. (1 of each from Alpha wrapped up and tucked away in ment condition. I actually put them in my families safty deposit box XD!)
it's all about the LoL with it's fail host aka Riot ;D.
i gave my 2 cents on what i thought about it! Love the OMG WHERE THE HELL DID ALL THESE TOKENS COME FROM! >>
i like it alot brian. I myself have my own saporling deck but this in an EDH deck is awesome. Though something I would think of adding to it would be a Overrun. You cast hour of reckoning then cast over run and boom all those saporlins/other token creatures with all there +1/+1's just got +3's and trample ;D. And the other party probably has no defensive anyways, but if they Did end up with a few tokens or w/e this way you'd be able to completely make sure you wipe them out.
hehehe it might be an old list but what i commented about it is true!! now if only i could remember what that god darn blue spell card was called! OH! I remember!! Brain Freeze :D. That with the affinity decks + spell Book can get extremely evil >>
Also I added a comment to your Ravager Affinity deck btw that you might wanna check out ^^.
Well from what a friend of mine says (who is a DCI judge) they recently ruled that the creature would return to play at upkeep or w/e instead of auto happening like I would think would happen. Getting those out should be instant win i'd think =/.
and as you can see I just made this account so I could post in here and join the fun >> shhhhh let me lurk damn you people D:<
there is a blue discard card... can't remember it's name at the moment that says target player (or opponent) discards X number of cards where X is times 2 or some crap of the number of spells you played this turn. So basically with you having no handsize from spell book and everything gaining affinity you end up being able to play like 10 - 20 cards for free then play that spell to make them discard the rest of their deck :D
Why not try and put mycosynth golem into it ? With things like ornithopter and maybe some spellbooks (which cost 0 as well) he shouldn't be hard at all to play. Then all artifacts you have gain affinity as well.
I don't really have a favourite card x.x. I have a favourite deck tho!! Anyways I'm an oldie when it comes to magic cards so yea >>... those are almost all either Alpha cards or Urza cards, and like the description of the deck says I do own them all and 1 of each of those moxs's stays in it's unwrapped cover :D. Anyways!! Check it out think you might like it for when your just wanting to have a little fun. 1. Your B/G persist deck that goes off of mylera + (perist creature here most likely murderous redcap) + Blasting station/Altar of Damentia ... Do you even use/play this anymore with the new ruling from DCI (or w/e they call them selves) saying that the persist creature comes back at your upkeep stage ? o-o. honestly that is the only real question I can think of at this time xD.