If you support this deck and wish to give it a go, I say that's great. However, if you doubt this deck for any reason whatsoever, put your skills to the test. If ever you happen to be in the Louisville, KY or Southern Indiana area, myself and Lucian will be more than happy to meet you at any shop in the area to sling some cardboard. I have said before and I will say it again now, I have playtested against this deck soooo many times and with so many different decks and I still am hard pressed to get a win. While it is true that there are some weaknesses in this deck, (and I have exploited them all), it has ways of getting to it's goal more often than not. Every step of it's evolution thus far has eliminated what has beaten it before. I guess you could say it's kind of "Borg" like.
As I have played against this exact build and against this exact player, I know that Memoricide does not equal win. I have had to Memoricide the titans AND the Summoning Traps and only then I was barely able to eek out a win. Of course he got a comparably worse draw than I did in that game, but on a win/lose ratio, this deck has won far more than it has lost. In fact, I can honestly say that all of it's losses have been due to bad draws and on occasion, a misplay. Of course those types of losses can occur in any deck and happen to any player.
I'd be lying if I didn't say that I am impressed with this deck's evolution and continued performance. With that said, I HATE playing against this deck most of the time because it is so good and frustrating as HELL! I usually play against it when I'm trying something new. If I lose but give a good game, I know I've got a pretty good deck, but if I lose to a total blow-out, then it's back to square one and I build something else. The three decks I currently have posted have all given this deck fits time and again, even occasionally win, but all in all, this deck is on it's way to being a very real deck archtype that will eventually take the tournament scene by storm. Thankfully, I have play tested against it soooooo much, that I could do it in my sleep!
I have played against this very deck numerous times and aside from actually destroying the physical cards, I haven't found too many answers that can give a consistant win against it.