I was thinking Apostle's Blessing -OR- some other protection card to help against removal once on board.
But thematics!@_@Haha any replacements that fit theme?
Yes sir! I want to nix the typical Eldrazi (tbh) and run more cards with delirium based however if I do it will most def not be competitive...its hard finding the cards that work in noth casual, without being a jerk, and having the chance to win tournament.
I do not read your comments as hate, I appreciate it! Ill comb through it again and edit. Stay posted to see if the changes work more!
Thankyou for the suggestions! Ill work on adding some
Help me make this idea more succinct! Play comments suggestions for deck without changing the feel and play of this deck.
I appreciate all of the advice friends, you have mentioned some cards ive never heard of...Imma look em up and maybe brew a twist with different cards! No need to argue. This deck is not meant to be competitive/COMPETITIVE rather to take games off and annoy people! :)
I can take the comments, if not I would not have posted this.Its an idea, I want to see something come from it! Budget speaking here Im in search for how I can have fun with minimal money in a new way. The Fatal Pushes make complete sense!
Cut the 1 of Collective, Thoughtseize so you can run 3 paths*i dont suggest keeping birds* Drop the Liliana to a 2 of so you can run 4 birds: if you WANT THE BIRDS.Otherwise get rid of 3 birds so you can run: 4 paths (you have 1, once C.Brutality and Thoughtseize are gone youll have 3)2 Maelstrom Pulses (1 now, add one) You could remove an Anafenza (Legendary, 4 is a little high) and the 2 Phyrexian Arenas for 3 Nyx Weavers...they are 2/3 Reach for 3 CMC that count as Enchantment+Creature for Goyf. But their abilities is instant speed. Late game it is really good!
If only Feast of Blood were instant speed. However, I agree it is good ! life gain and no restriction removal!
Ok, I switched to some basic cause Blood Moon destroy a non basic land deck. This deck run so simple. And the interaction of enjoyable to play and play against!!
I see the points, and theyre valid however I think Rattlechains is nutz. If I have a Captain out with Shape Stealer, Ill always win trades so theyll be forced to take minimal damage which adds up. If they go for my Captain before having two out (to get +1/+1 Hexproof to another) I have counters for that. Im still tinkering, please feel free to suggested any other cards that might fit theme better or as well! I was thinking anything HUGE to switch block but the Reaver is nice beefy and gains life and card draw. Seems good.
Ok, first pick one subtype to amp up and stick with it. Humans or Vehicles.You can have both however one will fall off late game when you decide to play either Humans over Vehicles or vice versa. Must keeps for the Aggro-lock it feels you want:-Speedway Fanatic x4-Blessed Alliance x3 -Burn from Within x2-Incendiary Flow x4-Always Watching x2 (Important)-Thalia x2 (Important)-Thalia's L. x4 (Important)-H. Militia Captain x2 -H. Garrison x225 Total, Must Have.Add:-H. Miltia Captain x1-2 (you want 3-4) -H. Garrison x1-2 (you want 3-4)-Authority of the Councils x3 (you want 4, puts out enemy agro and lifegain is a plus)-Skysoverign x2-3 (up to you, but the more the better)Total: 7-10Take out:-Lone Rider (does not fit theme, and not enough life gain to flip consistently)-Thermo-Alchemist (too many 2 drops, and is too slow with the amount of instances and sorceries) -Spireside Infiltrator (too slow and H. Garrison is hands down better)-Sky Stiffs (good card, but need to commit to vehicle) -Smuggler's Copter (either have 4 or none, the two drop slot is huge)
Not that you need it but Blood-Cursed Knight is budget and would be a solid 4/3 Lifelink for 3 CMC
Also, I understand Harsh Scrutiny may not be as popular or as Strong as Thoughtseize or Despise it is in main for the early game creature (if any and suitable Scry).
The Ashnods are not modern legal, sadly however the Krark-Clan is. That will slow the combo down but still enable it. On T6?
I agree with the comments. Thanks for the suggestions!
I added some changes, I realize that its not practical but can be a fun way to play infect.
Agreed. I was bout to start a League game and I saved it before thinking it through xD
I really like Goats! not as much as I like Birds as type in MtG.I think that Trading Post makes Goats. 0/1s(?)It would offering more options. But, it probably does not fit the Aggro Theme.
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