genius now that i see the combo
@ gaspartacus, doomed traveler and the falcon would be a good way to put it to use, especially if u can put in some crusades or something annoying like that. Another white card I personally like is armored warhorse, 2 mana for a 2/3 is pretty nice to have
Door to nothingness will have a use but i doubt we see it played much unless there is a way to abuse it. and omg talrand/burn? amazing idea my friend!!!
Mono blue talrand would be a personal favorite of mine to run, hadn't even thought of it. Blue is my personal favorite control color, although M13 didn't add too much control cards. And thragtusk? That's just gonna be a booster for my friends stupid stompy deck >.<. I still do see white weenie being near the top, I havn't looked much into the other current standard blocks but my friends played a very aggressive white weenie in FNM and won, seems as though this is just going to boost it without harming it much due to the lowering of Mirrodin
I was going to suggest marsh casualitys when i saw kormus bell, but you have black sun's, always one step ahead aren't you? >.>
Traumatize, no sir, no in this deck.. Besides it's not even very good once you think about it. If your goal is to mill them use glimpse the unthinkable or something.
Only bad thing about this deck is it's been done so many times before, not trolling or anything just saying
"Each other creature you control with flanking has flanking" lol
Damn those crafty birds
Guul Draz Specter
I forgot the name of it but there's another specter just like hypnotic specter but if they have no cards in hand it gets +3/+3 Maybe it would be nice here
I never cared for Vengeful pharoah, maybe a royal assassin would be better in his place?
I see it now, quite beautiful now that I see it
I may be missing a point to it, but whats with the jaiasdnin tome? Seems as if you can get a a better source of draw.
Just drew 5 sample hands, each one would have taken awhile to play obliterator :\
In my personal experience Roil Elemental, although my favorite card ever, is nothing but a distraction. It's almost always killed quickly because it's easily removed so I would run 2 at most.
plus you only get one attack phase so they can only hit once to untap.
I don't think this actually works, in order to deal infinite damage with your creatures (only way I see if im missing something tell me) would be to attack which means the ability isn't used. If they did attack no damage would be done so it would only work once wouldn't it?
consider more spot removal like go for the throat or x4 doom blades
I put in a mortivore for mine just for fun, and very powerful early with mill conditions
61-80 of 138 items