Derp thats why I have multicolor lands for the mana leaks but I suppose its slow.
Yeah I suppose you're right, I was really trying to make a good deck lol with the idol but I just ended up making this Saproling one xD
I actually did that just today lol, I took out the kuldotha rebirths, furnace scamps and flayer husks and added some raging goblins, siege gang commanders and a couple Lightning Crafters. Very good card, works well.
I gotta be honest, I actually made this deck and have been using it. It is very good. I have been able to get several creatures out and have enough mana to do overwhelming stampede twice (you'll be surprised of how much damage you can do). The garruck is a nice touch I guess since I added 1 to just see if he would make a difference. He doesn't but can be handy I guess. Good job for making a fun deck. Love it!
Seems pretty good.
No Garruck?