After looking at it again, I could swap Signal Pests for Chalice, because the Pests are just "win-more" cards anyways.
I love the Chalice, and it usually goes in pretty much every deck I build. I couldn't really find room in this one. I'll give it a try and see how it does.
I thought about sweepers, but I think the deck can recover pretty good. Elspeth throws out 3 more guys, all the splicers give you 2 bodys. I haven't played it yet, but I don't think a Day of Judgment would ruin it too bad.
What about Steppe Lynx, or Plated Geopede? I would take out the Wardriver for either of these, or Glint Hawk.
I never even thought about Evocation + Quandary... My evocation deck uses Evocation + Angelic Arbiter to lock them down. Thanks for the idea. I just resently rebuilt my Evocation deck to try it with Sarkhan the mad + Magma Phoenix. Maybe I'll add in a couple Quandary's and see how it does.
seems interesting. As stated above, there is no way you can get this to go off on turn 3. If you were extremely lucky to draw all the cards needed, then you could do infinite scrye on turn 4, and that is if you're on the draw. Which would put your infinite poison on turn 5. At best it's a mid-game combo, and pray they aren't playing any removal...
why not add Inferno Titan as well? Not quite as beneficial as the other 2, but still great.
OMG (I even hate that term)... You need to learn how to use the site... You do realize you can put in the amount of each card you have in your deck so that it doesn't list each card as a 1-of...
Some voltaic keys would be good in here. Turn multiple things into artifacts. With all the artifact hate now liquimetal coating could be really fun.
I have a deck built like this and it's fun. As stated above though Naturalizes should be in the Sideboard. Rampant growth might be ok to replace it, but I think a better choice would be Banefire. I would add 3 Banefires, and 1 more Lotus Cobra. When the lands get reset by the Razer you will have lots of mana from the Cobra, what better way to use it than a huge burn spell?
Looks like a fun deck. I've been meaning to build one like it. The only thing I would suggest is run 4x training grounds, and 4x spawnsires. Since you have to have 2 training grounds out to have infinite creatures you should definately run 4 in the deck.
I would suggest Bituminous Blast instead of the doomblade. It cascades into anything in your deck, and Black is a popular color in Standard right now. Jund's biggest threats are black, Obviously Vamps are still popular. So Doomblade doesn't help you in quite a few situations. You could add the Doomblades into the Sideboard so that if you face a non-black deck you could board them in. I like the deck idea. How has it been working out?
First off, the deck needs to have 60 cards... You can't play with a deck that has less... Second it looks like a decent deck list for a starter deck. If you can try to get 4 of all the best cards. That will make the deck alot better and alot more consistant. I would say at least run 4x Steppe Lynx, 4x Kor Skyfisher, 4x Plated Geopede. Those will give you some really strong threats at the beginning of the game. The skyfishers will help your landfall creatures. I would take out the Mordant Dragon. I know he is big and scary, but because he requires so much red mana he is harder to play. As for spells, I would run 4x Lightning Bolts, 4x Path to Exile, 4x Searing Blaze, and maybe some Journey to Nowheres or Oblivion Rings. With alot of removal you won't need a big scary creature to finish the game. I hope this helps.
Ok, so I had a big long comment typed out, and when I hit add comment I lost it, cause for some reason this site logs me off after a couple minutes of "Inactivity"... If anyone knows how to change that I would appreciate some help with that... Ok so this is for loki3, and avatarofmight's comments. First off, every "come into play tapped" land I have in the deck produces green, 8 of them produce red, and 8 produce white. Those aren't counting the Rupture Spire or the Exotic Orchard (which typically can produce 2-3 differant colors). Green, Red and White are my most important colors to have the first 2 turns, cause I can cast Rampant Growth or Trace of Abundance. So here is a turn-by-turn of a typical game. And remember that typical doesn't mean every single game, just means that it happens like this probably 75% of the time. About the comment about bad shuffling, or cheating: I only play MTGO, so I have no control over the randomness of the cards... I will aways muligan if I don't have anything to play. I have no problem muliganning down to 5. If I haven't gotten anything going down to 5 I'll just play it anyways and hope for the best... Turn 1- Play a tapped land: Doesn't matter which one Turn 2- Play an untapped land: because of 4 Growths and 4 Traces, I usually have at least one in my starting hand, and this is when it gets played. Turn 3- Play a tapped land: This is usually a dead turn, besides the land. If I have Ruptur Spire then this is usually when it gets played. If I'm lucky enough to have Mayael in my hand then she will get played. I don't mind playing her so soon, because she will usually lure in removal. If she doesn't get removed then great, her ability comes in handy if she stays. I just don't mind her getting removed over something a little more important. Turn 4- This is obviously my most important turn. I actually have a couple of options here. I can either play MA, or Madrush Cyclops. I have 3 MA's and 2 Cyclops, so with 5 possible plays this turn I usually either start with one or draw into one by this time. MA is obviously my best choice here, but the Cyclops is a good drop here to. It is one I play to either lure in another removal, or if it stays than thats that much better for me. I also have 4 KoNA's that can get played here, but I would prefer to save him for later. It all kind of depends on the deck I'm playing against also. If I know its a deck full of removal than I will usually cast something here to make them burn more of their removal. Turn 5- This is where things get interesting. I have lots of options for this turn. I should be able to produce 6 mana here, maybe 7 depending on my turn 3. If my MA stayed out then things will get too heavy from here for my opponent. I've seen games where I hard cast KoNA then swing with 10/10 angel and throw out another fatty. If my MA isn't out then I have enough mana to hard cast all but 6 of my creatures, so from here even with out MA I usually don't have a problem casting problem after problem for them. When I built this deck, I wasn't building it to be extremely competitive, but I do always strive to make my decks better. I know this description of the deck seems a little out there, but it really does work out close to this sinario most of the time. I have had a problem with it being 1 turn too slow when playing against well built Tier 1 decks, but in casual it has done well. I appreciate the suggestions, and don't take offence to any of it at all. Because of the suggestions, I'm going to take out the Sundials and throw in 2 Woolly Thoctars, and 2 RWMs. Whichever one works out the best I'll probably use 4 of. I'm thinking the RWM's will probably be my best bet. That will give me an earlier solution to faster decks, and give me something to play on my turn 3 that is usually a land-go turn. I think that might be just the card I need to help this deck last long enough to get going. I will also get a 4th MA to put in just to ensure more consistancy. Thanks again for the suggestions.
A little update on the deck. I added 3 mines and took out 3 sparkmage apprentices. It works really good now. I'm still having trouble with blue control, but its getting better. mrgoodbytes- I tried quest for the pure flame, but it just slowed the game down. If I played it on the first turn then I would have to wait a turn to start attacking, and thats bad. Most T2 decks I play against have lots of the lands that come into play tapped, so I utilize that by attacking heavily the first 3 or 4 turns. After about the 4th or 5th turn its kinda too late in the game to play the quest. I was thinking about trying the Zektar card, but it seems a little slow to. Maybe I'll throw it in for a couple of games and see how it does. Hipponox- I was actually thinking about buying goblin guides. I don't know if I should replace the Raging Goblins, or the Jackal Familiars. Thanks for mentioning the Banefire. Thats a good idea. Thanks for the suggestions.
What about some howling mines? I just played against someone that put it out, and I kicked their a$$ cause my hand was always full of stuff to do. If I threw in like 3 mines, what would you suggest I take out?
Yeah, I put pyroclasm to kind of clear up the playing field, but I think I'm going to substitute those for earthquake. Thanks for the suggestions. The Peaks are good, and I might try those and see how they work out, but the bushwacker won't really help me because most of my creatures die the turn they come out and I want them to come out asap, so dropping the bushwacker won't pump many creatures...
Regarding my above comment, I found out how to remove the cards... So ignore my first comment.
The deck was changed a little bit after I put it on here, and I couldn't figure out how to take cards out of the card list. That is why there are some cards that have 0's for quantities. Anyone want to tell me how to remove cards from the list, and I'll change it. Thanks
Actually it looks pretty good. I am trying to accomplish pretty much the same thing with my deck. Check it out: I do have 2 suggestions for it. First, as said before, you should take the harrows out for rampant growth. Second, it looks like you would have a hard time winning if you didn't get the barbs, and in a 75 card deck you never know if you'll get one. I would cut the deck down to 60 cards and it would probably work alot better and consistantly. Take a look at my deck for some ideas. Mine is still undergoing changes to make it more consistant, so I have some ideas from your deck.
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