Punish ignorance maybe? Unless you're aiming for a particular format, there are much better options than mana leak.
Lost my virginity to Bonesaw. ... ... ... ... Not the song mind you.
Reduce sideboard to 15. Add snapcaster mage in place of call to mind. drop damnation to sideboard, and add in hedron crabs. Terramorphic expanse is only worth it with the crab, and zendikar fetchlands would be better pace-wise. Add a couple induce paranoia over condescend imo. Less telling times, more visions of beyond. +1 jace beleren, and add avatar of woe, and jace's archivist.
Also because of the frequency of white mana cost symbols, i would consider light from within in place of honor of the pure.
mirran crusader and hero of bladehold
I would take out a couple land, either basic or glaciel fortress, for 2 celestial colonnade
Find space in the sideboard for Vampire hexmage for certain match-ups, it can be incredibly handy against planeswalkers, and is a solid first-striker in a pinch
Losing steel overseer and ornithopter will be very sad ='[
Way too high mana cost, but certainly a cool idea
And yes, definitely cenn's tactician
Ranger of eos fo sho
I think it's a pretty nasty combo. Unless your opponent is running a straight burn deck with lots of instants, forget about dealing lethal damage. And what he said is right. No spells or abilities other than mana abilities can be played while angels grace is on the stack. In other words it can't be countered, no instants can be played before it resolves, and you can't use a tap for damage effect before it resolves either.
Replace the incubator with sol rings
Lava spike, fireblast, mogg fanatic
I kinda of hate myself for even posting this suggestion but....isochron scepter with angel's grace...is just unfair. Especially because of the split second part.
All agreed except arid mesa. Dead drawing into a land late game sucks, so arid mesa will help avoid it by thinning out the deck.
ghostly prison/
Serra angel....is just so mediocre it hardly deserves to be the awesome creature type angel.
I would get rid of Radha. Unless you were going to play either harrow or undergrowth with the kicker before blockers are declared, it won't work. Mana empties out of your mana pool at the end of each step, so by the time your declare attackers step is over the mana has drained from your mana pool. For better creature ramp stick to llanowar and maybe add elvish spirit guide.
Idk how well crossbow infantry has been working for you. Maybe something like viridian longbow on a creature that already has deathtouch would be better
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