cause everyone does that. its fun being original
i would say rootborn, because it allows you to populate. any tokens deck should be able to have some populate for protection. it can also be handy in killing large creatures while keeping yours ive been finding out.
i just made a tokens deck like this, except its a bit slower, but in my opinion a bit more power packed. take a look and if you need ideas, or simply see anything you like, feel free to use it.
the red is definitely a different approach to tokens. assuming you can make it to late game while hitting all your mana, it could be very devastating. i made a standard tokens you can take a look at to get ideas. my only suggestion would be to add intangible virtue. that card is key in tokens, especially with the amount you have. my tokens:
oh yeah i forgot about his -2 ability. ill take out a growing ranks and put in a sorin. the link link from his vampires will also be helpful preboarding.
in playtesting its good against blue/white or USA control. its an oblivion ring without the ring, a turn quicker and to duplicate a token. as for planeswalkers, garruk's ultimate is just deadly in this deck. With land advantage and almost a field of tokens if the game isnt over before i pop him, it definitely will be after the fact. i do agree i need to take out one growing ranks. lol
His main purpose is so they have to sac, and i can make demons with skirsdag while activating all the morbid in my deck. he just a way to enable all that, and cause some panic on turn 4 (Vintage) (Standard)
this looks really familiar....
green sun zenith is to fetch somberwald sage.
the speed is fine. i can play 6 and seven drops on turn 4 pretty consistently.
somberwald sage makes them all playable.
Yeah! it was too good to be true when me and my cousin created it! it actually works out pretty great. in my play testing it has been very very consistent and it is probably more powerful then BW tokens. At the end of the month/ early may im getting the rest of the expensive cards and the sideboard i will get some real results at FNM. im glad you enjoyed it!
this seems like a really sweet deck. i like it alot, mainly cause ive never seen dwarfs before
sweet! our devil decks are gonna kick so much ass!
i REALLY like this deck Mr. Ape!! this seems wicked fun to play.
alright i did that Mr. Ape. it should still work nice
its gonna be a sick deck!
what would you replace for the puresteel?
you have too many creatures with just one copy. you should always ahve at least 3 llanowar elves. if you want to use several of my elf decks as a basis of yours feel free. i have some incredibly powerful decks. one with infinte elf tokens and infinite damage, and a standard white-green elf control.
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