I don't see why you need Plains in this deck...
Totally just got trolled by that Ekundu Cyclops :/ lol
Definitely interesting idea. However I think it's susceptible to being beat down too quickly before you can go off with the Bitter Ordeal.
It's really the sadistic sacrament that helps it go off, since you can exile up to thirteen cards, and you can just do the exact amount you need. You do have to finish them off with the Caress of Phyrexia though...
Groundswell and Giant Growth if you want to go outside of standard. Maybe a singleton Trigon of Rage.
Indeed, you should run 4x Intangible Virtue and 2x Glourious Anthem instead. Also, I'm liking the synergy between Skirsdag High Priest and Attrition.
Also, looks like you may need more than 1 evolving wilds to fix your mana. 2 or 3, maybe even a playset of them
Needs moar cowbell.
just curious, why did you pick 2-drops?
this is actually kinda funny lol. It's like going through all this trouble to make that 1/1 a beast. Not at all bad, though
Divine Intervention??? Noooooooooo!!!! lol
Should definitely add some Mutagenic Growths; those can really speed this kind of deck up.
Hmm.. don't think Phyrexian Revoker should be on here. But you should definitely add Regrowth. Vexing Shusher is pretty damn good, Terminate could go on it, as well as Wild Mongrel. And while Narcomoeba may have a 1 and U in the corner, it really says 0. ;)
If you do need more accel (Although it doesn't look like it), you should try Cloudpost
you should try terravore