hi you like the list?
Just a tiny question, one of the rules says that you can have as many cards as you wish in your deck right? so battle of wits is kinda legal, but there is another rule that says that you must be able to shuffle your library alone without help, and to shuffle 261 cards i assume it would be hard.
I sometime find myself with all the 10 gates and no maze's end., and even 2 maze's end at late game is good
Druid's deliverance is mearly there for the fog effect it has, and i change the mana base layout so it provide more green/white mana than red or black. I usually stall until i get the risen sanctuary(not to win put to stall some more) then merciless eviction. I've seen some decks that are based on Wrath spells and fog, i dont have a lot of money to spend on supreme veredicts and such so i choose the life gain route. This deck is kinda strange at the first 4 to 5 turns but once you get like 3 fog in your hand , some sarulli or heroes reunion going, and maze's end on the field you just keep stalling and you're almost unstoppable.BTW could i see your maze's end decklist? i am hoping this too will win some FNM.