Complete open to any suggests and thoughts for the deck.
Murder King is hands down one of my favorite cards in the game for how underestimated he is. I ran him in a zombie deck with four Endless Ranks of Dead and all sorts of cards that allow you to steal creatures from players.
Dear me, I would be very upset playing against this deck. I see a rage quit happening.
I was wondering about the sacrificed artifacts...until I saw Daretti.That's just mean.
I like it!
Have you thought about running Wall of Limbs in this? I think it would make a good addition.
Does Electromancer stack his passive abilities? If so, can you get instant and sorceries down to zero mana?
Any comments or thoughts would be appreciated.
Does Paradox Haze stack? Can you get out all four of them and do four upkeeps in a row??
I have seen a lot of awesome decks with three or less mana. It inspires me to make some myself.
I like it...and it is a low cost deck as far as mana goes.