Favorite Card: Earthbind! Questions: Do you think a playset of Earthbind can ever be used in a deck skillfully? Can you off advice to people trying to build unique decks or wanting a unique style of play? Have any of you ever gone pro if so what is your best placing and with what decks. Do you try to look at all the different decks on mtgvault? Finally, can you give me any input on my decks? :P You guys are a blessing to the all members and non members of mtgvault and your love for the game and skill inspires new people and older players alike. Thank you so much.
Thank you for the card to make that idea happen.
I like Hell's Caretaker. I could reanimate him instead of a high mana demon to reduce life loss. Thank you and if I wanted I could sac rune-scarred if I already have one in the graveyard for a tutor every turn.
It has to be cards from Alpha/Beta/Unlimited. If it wasn't I could use Mystic Decree with Island Sanctuary.
Here is my demon deck :) www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=189920
I am thinking of taking out Granite Gargoyle for Serra Angel. Also maybe an icy and animate dead for 2 wrath of god.
I had the knights in this deck before but found they moved a bit slow those I love there ability in extended mixed with -1/-1 counters. As for the other cards I was trying to keep the mana split meaning can be paided with either or. I do appericate the comment though :)
Sadly my play style does use card advantage. Also my goal is always to discard a Demigod or creature cared to bring back with Torrent of Souls. Pain Magnification was put in to insure that other players also share in my lack of a hand.
I like this deck. I laughed when I saw you splice in Jace, just because it makes the deck that much better. Plus its an instant win unless you face a destroy deck with Aether Snap. Either way great deck.
Awesome Deck. Here is my Demigod of Revenge deck :) Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=188269
I have faced a deck like this before against my land destroy deck but mine always wins. I believe its because I run pillage which allowed me to destroy liquid metal coating, and I was destroying there lands far faster then they could destroy mine. Here check my deck out and see what you think http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=142616