less "come into play tapped" lands it will speed up without those in there... -4 wall of frost, +4 Noble Hirarch (it has exhaulted + a mana source = really good card for this deck) More Rafiq and Finest Hour... possibly add some Battlegrace Angels... also I agree with the Paths and O-rings....
apparently they are good regardless of strategy.... lol! : )
u use the Mage Slayer??? for that fact the deck is awesome in my book regardless of what creatures/spells/theme/strategy you have... i like it!!!
kitchen finks, soul warden, purity are all complimentary cards that would help this deck..
path of exile/lightnig bolt/o rings... they will help with opponents creatures in the way...
if it works for you... more power to you! : ) more Bloodbraid tho...
have to agree... Path to Exile is a must... Aven Squire over the Stormblades... other than that looks good... check out my Bant deck if u want... http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=50431
Bloodbraid Elf will also help accelerate this deck as well....
Ruin Ghost would help with your landfall abilities too... my "Esper Milling 2.0" deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=51950 runs off of landfall in he helps out A LOT... check it out if you wish...
my 2 cents? Mind Funeral or 4...
while not the most powerful jund construction... its still taking into consideration the original consept of Jund (the "Devour" mechanic mixed with direct damage)... it looks like a fun deck. Good Job. love the Mage Slayer!!!
Agree with Rentaromon on that one... use some basic lands in there... but otherwise looks good!
for an exalted deck you dont run enough cards with the "exalted" mechanic.... try adding some more... i.e. Sigiled Paladin, Aven Squire, AEthercast Knight... just a few to mention there are plenty to choose from... check out my Bant deck for an example if you'd like...
agree with ControlGame more non-creature spells... disfigure is a good one to add
@Dnt Hat3 agreed on getting rid of the expanse but scute mob im going to keep in there... ive drawn him more often than u might think. and he is just fun to play! as for the forest i have 14 lands that provide green mana, i havent run into any problems with it yet but ill keep playtesting it and see how it goes... no prob on the spelling! : ) thanks for the comment! @Atomic true wild nactatl attack wont be as high as the other cards in my deck put a 1/1 for G with the possibility of being a 3/3 makes for a good one drop and possible defender if absolutely neccessary... i could get her power up to the same as the other guys if i either attached both sledges to her or a colossal might... turn 2 6/4 runnin sraight at u kinda sucks. just ask my friends they absolutely hate it... thanks for the comments!
looks good! +1 thanks for the comment on my deck.... love the Pendelhaven!
more power-up elfs (archdruid) would be benifitial... or token generation, idk if there is a lot of that in standard right now tho... i agree with hipponox on more warcallers too (also a pump)... check out my elf deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=44513
tendrils of corruption over fest of blood check out my vampire deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=43165
i had the same type of thing going with my Naya deck just went a little different direction... check it out: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=40849 but overall looks good! +1
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