lol... you're right, maybe I should drop it to two.
I had to think about it for a second but you're right Jinxed Idol would be fun in this deck.
Thanks for the suggestions! But, why would I put Jinxed Idol in this deck?
Thanks for the suggestions! I like the idea of Tragic Slip and Terminate. I couldn't decide between Æther Membrane and Fog Bank so I'm using both. Also, to make it even more budget I took out Electrolyze and replaced it with Fire // Ice.
I would look at maybe using Zombie Apocalypse, to really help out Endless Ranks. Also, I would do Disentomb over Unearth, even though the card goes to your hand and not the battlefield you don't have to worry about casting cost, Call to the Netherworld is a good option for this too. Cellar Door is good at increasing your token count. To increase your chances of pumping up Wight of Precinct Six maybe put some Blackmail or Cry of Contrition in there.
I hope you don't mind that I drew inspiration from your deck to fix my deck! This is an awesome deck!
Those are good suggestions! This deck was something I just put together with what I had available at the time. But, I do want to do some edits to make it better. I plan on getting rid of Lightning Talons, Bolt of Keranos and Lightning Strike, replacing them with something else that meets the ultimate goal of the deck. I have played a few games with this deck so far and haven't lost one yet. So, I'm doing something right and I want to keep on that path.I will look into Rageblood Shaman and Felhide Petrifier though.BTW, I like your deck. Minotaurs are just the best!
I like the mana and the price! Thanks for all your help! Unless you have any other suggestions I think I will take this deck for a spin. After I play test it I'll you know how it turns out!
I probably should have mentioned I'm trying to build this on a small budget. To answer your question about playing any of them before turn 6, I have no idea how I would do that, which is why I threw in the black cats and tenacious dead.
Thanks for the suggestions! Ill look into them when I get the chance.
I want more of a demonic flavor. I'm also not worried about the legality of the deck in any format.
I was wanting to take out a couple of the Naturalize. I'm kind of new to deck building so any suggestion are very helpful!
Thanks for the suggestion!
I like this deck! Great job!
This may should like a stupid question and maybe I'm missing something. But, how do you not include swamps and cast your cards that require them?
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