Yeah I forgot suppression. I'll include it in main. Thanks for reminding.
Feb 15, 2016 - Updated some cards:+1 Damnation+2 Goblin Dark Dwellers+1 Shadow of Doubt+1 Terminate+1 Jace, VP+1 Kalitas (SB vs Burn)+1 Keranos (SB)+1 Anger of The gods+1 Bribery (SB vs Tron with Ulamog, Emrakul)+1 Tribute to Hunger (vs Aura decks)+2 Compulsive Research (I hated thought Scour because it's a 50-50 situation)-2 Gurmag Angler
Sunscorch regent performed well in late games. But due to mana requirements of this dragon, sometimes its a bit awkward to play. Maybe due to the new manabase and no scry lands. Hidden dragonslayer is great too vs eldrazi and burn. I moved transgress the mind in main to sideboard. Its only good vs control and big creature matchup. I added 1 Sakrhan, TDS in main and fixed the manabase strictly mardu colors.
And yeah I have considered playing deflecting palm. My deck is still on testing stage. I'm still open for suggestions ;)
Thanks for your input. I love playing Arcbond (mostly personal preference) and most of the meta here in my place is green based. Most times arcbond is unplayable in some draws. When I play arcbond, It's more of a timed play. I make them fell for my "trap", when they go lethal. I don't think much if soulfire dies. I just need the instant "boardwipe" + lifelink effect from Soulfire. I had one match when he attacked all his crits together with gaia's revenge. Blocked gaia with soulfire then arcbond it. I gained around to 40+ life total and devastated his field.
I'm currently playing this guttersnipe izzet control and mostly these are the weaknesses based on my experience.Weak against Tri-color controls with life-gain. BANT, ESPER controlsWeak against decks with big creatures (if you don't counter them early)Can go one one with W/U Flash (if you have snapcaster and bonfire of the damned)Can last on a BR Aggro if you're lucky and fast enough.If you can wait for gatecrash, hope for some spells and other cards that will help izzet.Illusionist Bracers ^_^
In an izzet build, snappy is a must. I tried playing without it and I end up losing.You will need bonfire too.
check my build :D
I have this kind of izzet build. I tell you you will need: 4 Steam Vents 4 Sulfur falls2 Think twice instead of InspirationCounter Spells: Dissipates, Syncopates, and counterfluxPillar of Flame and Searing Spears.
I would main the shrieking affliction since u have discard spells and add guttersnipe for added damage since u have many spells