Really good options, thanks! Never saw Illness. That's perfect for sure!
Hey, thanks for the input. I agree. I would hope that the land denial would be enough to get me through, but against faster decks, I would certainly slot in my sideboard. It could probably use some more, but I'm a sucker for decks that stick to a theme over efficiency. XD
I really like the idea. You know you need at least 3 Rites on the field to make that Aviary blink work. Seems difficult to pull of reliably, but I guess when it works it's cool! I also have a deck or two like that including a landless, creatureless deck that has the same kind of problem. 50% of the time, the deck works flawlessly... but then other times.... That's the way it goes! Anyways, swing by my page to check it out and keep tinkering with your deck ideas! They only get better with practice!
Hey, thanks for checking out one of my decks. Wanted to return the favor.I love tribal decks! This is very neat with lots of great effects! Didn't know merefolk were so effective together! Very cool!
Wow. Never saw this card. Great idea! Put it on the sideboard to remember to try it out sometime. Thanks!
Love this idea! Very cool.
Sweet! I don't really play standard, I mostly just play with friends and we use anything post Tenth Edition. Admittedly, I don't always build the most streamlined decks, but that's because I like the story. I enjoy having a theme, a tribe, a setting... The fun of Magic for me isn't necessarily winning. It's building the best deck I can around the ideas I come up with. :)Feel free to check out some of my other decks too!
All good options. Seems like you should make a Dark-Dwellers deck or two. ;)