i have had this deck for awhile and while i can win on turn 3 or 4, any control or squad hawks just pile drive this deck. at the same time most red deck just doesn't even give this deck a chance, every single thing in this deck dies to lightning bolt or for that matter any burn spell.
i think this deck would really benefit from some man lands. you have probably the best one in raging ravine available to you and stirring wildwood would probably be no slouch against caw-go. the lands you get with primeval are coming in tapped anyway so you could just go with a few. also why go with the scars lands when the core set lands almost always come in untapped?
sorry, didn't read it all till now, with livewire lash, my b/g infect is really inconsistent. itz like i win in about 4 turns or im screwed for the game in about 4 turns.
lol ive been waiting for this day! finally your take on infect! but what about plague myr? or livewire lash?
how about grindclock?
what do you guys think of something like this with omnath?