why do you have hero of oxid ridge instead of bladehold?? bladehold is so much better with champion of the parish and mentor of the meek. also, why 4 mikaeus??? he's legendary
I think that the orchard is used to make sure that oath of druids gets active.
'4 mana for a counterspell and a dude is broken. just broken.' I dont agree at all, because summoner's bane sux
and all those lots and lots of Ruhans will die when they are copied, because the legend rule still applies even though its a copy.
yeah, I recently got the same problem with verdant force, try to add a doj from a different set like zendikar
make that 58
how are you actually going to use dream salvage???? milling is not exactly the same as discarding so the only cards that could work together with it, are jace's archivist or jace's ultimate
-you have to replace cancel for mana leak. -turn aside looks like a good card, but its very impractical. -ive noticed that there is no removal in your deck, may I suggest to replace turn aside for dismember. -preordain or ponder -student of warfare perhaps????
-more lands. -dismember is your best removal. -timely reinforcement has to be in the 75 to screw up rdw (at least 3 in the sb). -also, try out emeria angel or hero of bladehold, tokens ftw. -cancel is quite mana intensive for a counterspell, so you could use spell pierce. -you should definitely get another gideon.
you cant use obelisk of grixis because a cards color is identified by the colored mana symbols in its converted manacost and the card text.
thopter assembly is bad, with just 5 thoughness it easily dies to dismember and it takes 2 turn before you are able to attack with it. IMO is wurmcoil engine better than the assembly.
I hope this deck is just for something casual instead of standard.
I know, but most of my dudes will probably not be stronger then 3 power, wich means that berserk is just a worse giant growth unfortunately :'(
-future sight -capsize ( just because you can, period) -echoing truth (against those pesky token decks) -time stop (remind me to punch the creator of this card in the face) -mindspring (essentially another blue sun) -time warp -keiga (cause I like waterfalls:P) -kozilek (big dude that let you draw four cards sounds fine to me) -Teferi -cryptoplasm (hes imo better than vesuvan shapeshifter) -mind's eye/consecrated sphinx (drawing cards is fun) -lots of weird 'way too expensive counterspells' like overwhelming intellect -for god's sake lightning greaves, sol ring and sensei's divining top -'mind control' cards like treachery -gift's ungiven (awesome tutor) those are some commander 'staples' I can recall. remember google is your best friend:P
apologize to my sweet metamorph...NOW... youve hurt his feelings ya'know :P and I know that architect isnt that relevant but he gives +1/+1 to my cute little fish... ooh, I forgot that they are mammals.
sure, will do that
maybe you can add hellspark elemental instead of viashino landscout.
ever thought of bloodbraid elf, cause it can bring you a groundbreaker or ball lightning for free.
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