Great deck idea, and cheap too! Here's my take on it... I basically replaced the Tutor with Rouse the Mob, to give the deck trample, since artifact creatures are generally colorless and could still block your attack, and so the deck is Modern-legal, as was suggested by Zaklax13. And then I added 500$ of dual lands, you obviously can skip those... :)Great idea, again, I like it!
Ì see you added a lot of cards while I was typing my comment, the above might not be so relevant anymore, I'll look at your current submission. I like the idea, I have something similar, but mono-black.
Going with BR/Modern/Discard/Multiplayer...Rix Maadi, Dungeon PalaceMindlash SliverQuest for the Nihil StoneRotting RatsSmallpoxCunning LethemancerDelirium SkeinsLiliana of the VeilNecrogen MistsStronghold RatsIll-Gotten GainsWheel of FateMindslicerReforge the SoulSkull RendSire of InsanityShrieking Affliction...come to mind. All depending on your budget and how much you want to annoy your friends.
Good catch! I just got back into the game, and this site, and I'm revising all my decks and the Frogtosser is a perfect match here!
I was going to suggest Angelsong and/or Dawn Charm instead of Fog, to prevent having to splash into Green. I'm not sure about Farseek either, I'd suggest Sol Ring, although I think it's a bit pricy...
None? I beg to differ. This deck currently has nothing to stop direct damage. All it does is mess with creature-based decks. Still an interesting idea, but I'd add (or sideboard) some Divine Deflection or Dovescape or Gaddock Teeg or Negate or something similar, to mess with non-creature based decks.
It doesn't get expensive, since its Cumulative Upkeep actually gives you mana. Basically, you drop this on T2, get {R} on T3, {RR} on T4, {RRR} on T5, etc... It's pretty much a 1 card mana ramp.Gatherer's Rulings state that: "Braid of Fire is a very unusual card. "Add {R} to your mana pool" is a cost. This enchantment does nothing but add increasing amounts of mana to your mana pool during your upkeep."However, this card has a major drawback being that you can't use the mana during your Main Phase, unless you're also playing something like Upwelling to prevent your mana pool from emptying itself in between phases.Gatherer's Rulings state that: "Any of this mana that isn't spent during your upkeep step will be removed before your draw step begins. You cannot save it to be spent on the card you will draw this turn."This makes this card very weak unless the deck is built around it (Leyline of Anticipation makes it godly...), since its mana can only be used during the upkeep phase, meaning the mana it generates generally can't be used on Creatures, Sorceries or Enchantments without them having Flash...
For your sideboard, I'm thinking something like...4x Treasured Find4x Putrefy4x Cremate3x Glaring Spotlight...and I'd also switch 2x Forest out for 2x Rogue's Passage.
Nice deck. It's funny, I built a similar deck this morning, with the Modern format in mind. Check it out for ideas. Comparing it with your deck, I realize I forgot mana acceleration. :(
@DragonWolf7: Yes. According to the Gatherer's "Rulings" section, for Simic Manipulator, "If a creature enters the battlefield with +1/+1 counters on it, consider those counters when determining if evolve will trigger. For example, a 1/1 creature that enters the battlefield with two +1/+1 counters on it will cause the evolve ability of a 2/2 creature to trigger."Other relevant/interesting rulings for the Evolve mechanic and Simic Manipulator are as follow:For Evolve: "When comparing the stats of the two creatures for evolve, you always compare power to power and toughness to toughness.", and "If evolve triggers, the stat comparison will happen again when the ability tries to resolve." (...) "For example, if you control a 2/2 creature with evolve and two 3/3 creatures enter the battlefield, evolve will trigger twice. The first ability will resolve and put a +1/+1 counter on the creature with evolve. When the second ability tries to resolve, neither the power nor the toughness of the new creature is greater than that of the creature with evolve, so that ability does nothing."For Simic Manipulator: "The power of the target creature is checked both as you target it and as the ability resolves. If the power of the target creature when the ability resolves is greater than the number of +1/+1 counters removed from Simic Manipulator, the ability will be countered and none of its effects will happen. You won’t gain control of any creature, but the counters removed as a cost remain removed."Long story short, both abilities perform "double checks". First check when the ability triggers, then a second check when the ability resolves.
I'm thinking a late game Yawgmoth's Agenda would be very powerful in this deck, especially if you play against someone who can counter and/or prevent damage done by your Consume Spirit and Corrupt.Also, if you're playing Crystal Quarry, I'd considering playing a 5-colors creature (like Horde of Notions, if you want something "cheap") that would kill every other creature, via Spreading Plague. Alternatively, you could play Transguild Courier, which won't require Crystal Quarry to be put into play, yet still counts as a 5-colors creature. I'm figuring you want at least 2 creatures in your deck, so you can activate Cabal Therapy's flashback cost, if that make sense?
Very nice deck, I play a Simic Evolve/Undying deck and a friend of mine plays a Blue Control deck. This looks like a good mix of both our decks.I'm not sure if you can make room for a couple of Vorel of the Hull Clade, I think it would synergize well with Burst of Strength and Simic Manipulator, and generally help evolve your creatures further if/once they reach 3/3. Only then, you'd also need some Bioshift, to move counters onto the Manipulator.That said, I don't think you really need those and I'm not sure what I'd take out to make room for them.
All good. :)I perfectly understand what you mean by a boring/winning deck and a fun/losing deck. It's tons more fun trying to win with a "bad" deck than winning every single game the exact same way with an overpowered deck. I played a Food Chain Goblin deck with Goblin Recruiter long enough to know that winning isn't everything.Finally, when I said the deck looks boring, that was only my opinion, obviously, but still, I think I was wrong. At first, I figured this played like any of the Tinker decks which fetch OP Artifacts that should never be in play on turn 3, but considering there's no fetch cards here, I see I was wrong that there's a "random factor" which means this deck will play different at every game and keep things interesting.
Sure, but you're pointing out the obvious.I commented on the deck, which EdoHard seemed to appreciate. He's free to disregard my advice, it's his deck, he plays it how he wants, but since he posted it here, I assume he meant to discuss it.I'm not sure why you and msquared reacted so negatively to my comments, I think I offered constructive criticism. I probably should've suggested cards, but when I say "Elvish Piper could use Haste, Shroud or Hexproof", I think everyone thinks "Lightning Greaves" or "Swiftfoot Boots" right away, maybe I'm wrong.I understand that the deck is casual, but it's the first time I see a deck worth commenting that can't get anything in play before turns 4-5, so I asked to know if it works, maybe I came off wrong, but without you two guys making those condescending posts which brought nothing to the discussion, there wouldn't be what you refer to as an "episode of Oprah".I guess I'm bad at communicating my ideas, English isn't my first language, but still, I don't get why you two didn't simply mind your own business, since EdoHard didn't seem to take offense to my initial comment. My excuses to EdoHard for derailing his comments "thread".No hard feelings, I know it's only a game, only I've never been afraid to speak my mind and I'm quite verbose, as you probably realized by now. Cheers.
Yeah, I figured as much. Besides, playing Food Chain all the time gets old fast, I sometimes take it out and go mono-Red-aggro with my deck, which ends up a lot like yours.
Personally, I'd sac Healing Leaves to make room for other cards. It's not bad, but it's probably the weakest card in your deck at the moment.
Great deck!For the sake of being harder to stop, I'd add something to give Trample to Ageless Entity, Ajani Pridemate and/or the */* Avatar from Ajani Goldmane.A couple of Loxodon Warhammer would be the most obvious card, or Armadillo Cloak. Other decent options would include Berserk, which can also be used as removal, if necessary, or Selesnya Charm or Wildsize, which are pretty versatile. Finally, there's Overwhelming Stampede, if you don't mind the overkill.It's not completely necessary to give Trample to your creatures, but I think it would be very helpful against decks that play with Populate, Regenerate or whatever other means to put small "disposable" creatures in play at every turn.I'd also consider Indrik Umbra, which can work as mass removal if enchanting a "big" creature and/or as a way to prevent your "big" creatures from getting blocked, if enchanting a "small" creature. Another decent mass removal that could work with your deck is Mass Calcify, which won't affect White creatures. I'd also sideboard Path to Exile and Emerge Unscathed, which can be incredibly deadly if you Imprint them on Isochron.Obviously, you don't really need any of those cards for this deck to be effective, but they might help you win more reliably, counter your opponents better and/or simply win faster.
...and everyone thinks they know everything about everyone else...Go nuts all you want, but if you disagree with my comments (which I won't take offense to, if anyone does), you can simply say so and provide what you consider to be better advice. I didn't intend to "trash" the deck, I think I simply pointed out its shortcomings. No need to generalize about human nature and imply that my comments are out of place. If someone posts their deck ideas to this site, I expect it's because they want some feedback, which I provided.I never pretended to be an expert or that my ideas would "fix every problem", since, like you mentioned, no deck is flawless.
You're welcome :)
Yeah, like I said, I like the general idea and everything, if I didn't, I wouldn't "waste" time commenting. Further, this is only my opinion, and I'm far from being a pro player, so feel free to disregard everything I say, I won't take it personal... :)I'm only trying to help and I'm mostly considering how this would play against my own decks, my friends' decks and..., well..., any other deck that came to my mind as I was writing my comments.No offense meant, obviously, this is a game and we're all here to have fun.
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