I made a Sliver deck with a lot of scry lands.Called it Scry me a Sliver =)
duress probably. and hero's downfall is worth the money. after rotation, it will probably get more expensive.
I have several changes to make to it now that i've tested it. I came in 7th out of 43 people. Surprisingly well for how slow this deck is. I need more removal for sure. Maybe just pacifisms? if you have any suggestions let me know.Precinct Captain was the deadest draw ever after like turn 7. So he's out but Legion Loyalist won me a round by playing him and giving all by guys trample then i used boros charm for double strike.ANGER OF THE GODS just wow. won me maybe 3 rounds when i cast it and had one or two boros reckeners out. it was a board stall everytime and then i win from top decking. What about putting frostburn wierd in? i can pump it to trade but with a 4 body it's also a decent wall that survives Anger of the Gods?
Anger of the gods is the turn 3 or 4 wipe I need to last out long enough. if i draw it late game it's cheap enough to cast with a boros charm or rootborn defense. I will replace it with mortars if my play test tomorrow doesn't go well.Thank you for pointing out the tokens aren't cast. It makes sense.
That's my plan for late game =) Betogribeiro, you got it right on the money!
interesting opinion. let me discuss that with my attorney and get back to you.
What do you think about Door of destinies? Would that add a counter on the door for every one token produced by Assemble? or only add one counter to the door every upkeep because all the tokens come in at one? I'm still learning lol.
very likely i will after i play test. we will see.
I have ten mountains so hopefully I have enough to chain to the rocks and make a golemn if i have to. i had chained to the rocks in my side bored originally but decided to main board because my deck is slow and i will undoubtably be dealing with big creatures on my opponents side of the field while my token army builds. After I play with this tomorrow i'll make the changes you suggested accordingly. Thank you for your input! greatly appreciated =)
I think 24 lands is enough right? I've been getting I have too much and then too little lol. Can anyone throw there hat into the mana ring and voice there opinion on how many lands I need?
Chronexe, you make a wonderful point. I have to survive until I can get assemble down. Now I'm just gonna have to dish out the coin to buy a play set of reckoners lol thanks.... =)
i settled with 3x assemble the legion. 4x was a little much. 3 fits way better into my mana curve. Thanks for pointing that out guys! I appreciate it a lot. All this good advice is really helping me out.
Type your deck name...I'm gonna leave anger of the gods in for now until i get to test this out friday. I'll replace it with Mortars if i'm not drawing anger by the time Assemble comes down.
anger of the gods is my ideal turn 3. if i draw anger later then that i should have a charm of boros or now a rootborn defences =) Thank you Trollking for pointing out Legion's Initiative is worthless lol i really appretiate all the help.
holy crap... yeah i'm an idiot. forgot tokens die once off the field. thanks Womble!
I could.... lol
FrostBurn Weird would be able to survive turn 3 Anger of the Gods and be useful for a few turns after for a blocker. What do you guys think?
It would be cool to have Legion Loyalist and Precinct Captain down on turn two, but not much synergy with my deck. If Captain had haste, it would be amazing. But Anger of the Gods might be a turn three wipe.
Your creature population is great. I just would like to see more removal for big early threats from a ramp deck or even another quick deck like this. Chained to the Rocks is amazing in boros. You'd have to rework you mana some, and I know you are very white heavy for creature cost but it might be worth trying.Also Flames of the Firebrand is great in heroic decks. Having as many choices with one card as possible, is what i look for. Yeah it costs 3 mana, but you can do three things with it. Hit one of your heroics to activate it during combat, kill a weak creature your opponent controls, or deal direct damage. Or all three! =D
Yeah he Precinct Captain would be a good body on turn 2 but only if i have two white mana for him. I'm going to try to fit him in though for sure. Thank you.
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