how about twilight shepherd?
Hi,I was indeed thinking about Blanchwood and Howl of the nightpack.Traproot kami is not a card i'd put in. i don't like that he is a defender.Search for tomorrow is absolutely something i would consider, I didn't know that card and it seems nice.Thank you for the suggestions
I also just found out about Tidehollow ScullerThis might be a verry annoying card
Instead of murder i would take Mortify.Instead of murderous cut i would take unmake.For the creatures i would suggest taking out the primordial, since it' s also quite expensive and won' t get many extort triggers because of it.The coinsmith i would also take him could sideboard blood reckoning and blind obedience and put em in if you are facing agrro with haste.You could aslo switch archangels light for a simple elixer of immortality.And as I said before, debt to the deathless.But these are just suggestions, I hope I have inspired you somewhat ^^
maybe put in:sun bondajani' s pridemateajani' s sunstrikerangelic accord
I would suggest:Tome scourcurse of the bloddy thometrepanation bladeconsuming aberation.
Angel of jubilation might not be a good bet here, you probably won't have that many creatures out for it to do great.Instead of reya, you could go with Emeria, the sky ruin.Baneslayer and archangel of thune are also very nice, tho a bit expensive.For somewhat of an early game I would suggest serra avenger.
hi, I am not such a fan of debt to the deathless. It costs to much i think. I would stick with the extort and lifelink.Ajani's sunstriker.Ajani' s pridemate.Syndic of tithes.Vampire nighthawk.Tithe drinker.
There is this 2/1 wolf that can't be blocked by creatures with lower power than he. I forgot the name tho, you might want to look into that one.
it is 2 euros a piece, it is not a really cheap card, but it could fit in a smaller budget if you stick with one. Also, it is about giving inspiration. And I really like that card ^^
try adding luminarch ascension for the increased preasure on your opponent, it is also quite a win condition that suits this deck well.
A few suggestions:Renegade krasis.Give//Take.Simic fluxmage.
ashenmoore liege to pump your demigods to 7/6.Maybe shambling remains, its not a flyer, it can' t block, but the unearth is cheap and you dont have to sacrifice it., plus, a 4,3 for 3 aint bad
How about nighthowler?
Reap what is sown, gives up to three creatures a counter, wich can triger three herois with one card.
What about bruna, the light of alabaster?
you might like to include: mistcutter hydra or hydra broodmaster. Bioshift could also be nice if you transfer a lot of counters from your monstrified hydras to the master biomancer.also things like elvish mystic or lanowar elves.
i'm truly sorry :P (not)i'm trying different ways to make a deck with angels, cause who doesn' t like angels?
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